Chapter 14. The good, the bad and the liars.

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Chapter 14. 'The good, the bad and the liars"

Pissed off.

That is the word that best describes how I was feeling in the moments after their display of high testosterone and was the only thing on my mind as I held onto Tommy's hand.

Possible reasons for their childish actions kept buzzing around my head  and I swear I could have cried from how overwhelmed I was feeling. Not even two days ago Xander was telling everyone to make our final two years here, two years to remember, and now I couldn't help but think I would remember them for the wrong reasons; stupid fights between my friend and boyfriend, anxiety over exams and other teenage problems that come with being a 17 year old.

And with all that irritation in my head, I pulled my hand away from Tommy's.

"You okay?" He asked at the sudden lack of contact.

"Why did you lie to me?" Straight to the point, no beating around the bush.

"I didn't, you never asked me if I had any problems with anyone in our year" he spoke like he already knew he was skating on thin ice.

"Withholding the truth is basically lying, Tommy" I argued.

"Okay, you want to play that game? Why didn't you ever mention you were friends with Xander?" He spoke knowingly.

"I told you about Hudson and Riley, you should have known that meant Xander too. Everyone knows they come as a three, especially Hudson and Xander" I knew that was a lie. I didn't mention Xander because I know how protective Tommy can be, and how with a reputation like Xanders, no boy would willingly allow their girlfriend around him alone.

He was irresistible to most.

"Well what do you know? I'm not telepathic" he sarcastically replied.

"Ok, i am mad with you. Not the other way round. You don't have a leg to stand on.. Which may be because your leg was just taken out from underneath you since you practically got rugby tackled by Xander!" I sarcastically got my point across, stressing how ridiculous their fight was through my hand gestures, "You just fought one of my friends, one of our groups friends and now you won't even tell my why?" I continued.

"Look, your problem lies with Xander, okay? He is the one that hates me, I never actively went out of my way to hate on him" he tried to justify, shift his responsibility and I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I spoke quickly and high pitched, already done with today.

"Just ask him, alright?"

"Yeah, like I'll be speaking with him soon" I sighed, kicking a stone that way laying on the pavement into road.

I looked up and to the left of me, where I came face to face with Tommy's red jaw, probably where Xanders punch landed.

"Look" he began, "I'm sorry I ruined your celebration lunch, but this fight? it's not a big deal. You'll find out eventually, just not from me. Okay?" He reaches out and grabbed my hand, a gesture I didn't reject since I was so damn tired.

All I wanted was a lunch that I could mentally picture and put in a frame for safe keeping, and maybe that's why I was so annoyed at the boys actions. A selfish thought process, I know.

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