Chapter 20. Open the door to the past.

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Chapter 20. Open the door to the past.


"What did she say?" Carter came to my side as we walked to our classes, fully curious over whether or not our toxic ex friend had stayed the same.

"She was fine, though she brought up Xander and said that she wanted to "how long" Tommy and I last? I mean, what the hell does that even mean?" I added finger quotations around her speech, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"She must not be over what went down on the last day" Carter spoke.

"Yeah but what does she even have to be over? I'm the one who liked Xander"

I didn't understand it.

I get that there was definitely room for her to like him too- he was an attractive boy from day one but she should have spoken to me about it. We could have agreed that neither of us was to act on our young feelings, because no boy should ever come between friends... though Leena didn't see it that way.

"I know sweetie, but we should try and put the past behind us" Carter smiled, "You've got Tommy now, and better friends" she paused, "and you even have Xander, romantically or not" She shrugged her shoulders, listing all the ways I've bettered myself over the years.

I inhaled and smiled, mentally agreeing that I did have the facilities to be the bigger person. A trait I'm hoping to fulfil.

"Yeah, you're right. I should-" but before I could finish my sentence, I heard Xanders voice call our names.

"Andy, Carter- wait up" he called, catching up to us, not before pushing some people who weren't paying attention out of the way. Low "fuck"s and "move" being spoken as Carter and I rolled our eyes at his short temper.

"I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get to class. Enjoy your conversation, lover boy" she ruffles Xanders hair as he finally made it to us and he swats her hands away.

"See you later, hun" she smiled at me, leaving Xander and I to walk to our free period together.

"The return of Leena Da Silva, who would have seen it coming?" He started.

"Yeah" I exhaled, "what a shock" I spoke dismissively.

"What's up?" He nudged his shoulder with mine, a habit that has come too common for us.

"Nothing. I guess I'm just not a fan of her return" I shrugged my shoulders, trying to politely smile before Xanders eyebrows raised and he urged me continue, not knowing that Leena, Carter and I weren't friends anymore.

"It's not a big deal, Okay? But when I joined Northside I sort of had a tiny crush on you and she knew about it. So when you two kissed on the last day, it felt like a stab in the back" I turned my head to look at him, though his eyebrows were still raised, surprised I liked him all that long ago.

"Woah,Woah. You liked me? What was it; My hair, my personality, my charming best friend?" He laughed, his cocky side coming out again.

"None, Genius" I laughed at him and rolled my eyes.

"I get why you cried now" he carried on.

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