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Hello I know you're probably upset that this isn't a new chapter but the truth is that my life is very complicated .

In December I had finals and then I had to move to a new house. It caused me to be a little behind on this story but there was no problem because surely I would be able to catch up and write more once all was done Wrong! As if fate would hate me but in february(close to when I posted the last AN) a family member became extremely ill . So I had to spend my time between hospital and classes. Luckily he is better now .Despite his health being better he still had to come to my house because he needs care and I'm terrified with the possibility of him catching the famous virus going around.

He is an old man, waiting for surgery and immunosuppressed. It's scary what would happen if he caught it.

This is the family problem I'm dealing with and so far didn't want to talk about after so long and so many promises I felt like you all deserved the real explanation

Also PLEASE AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. STAY HOME if you can !!! Doctors and nurses are doing their best and many fragile people depend on it . I know it's not easy but it can save many people's lives.

As you can tell I'm under a lot of stress lately and usually I resort to writing as an escape to feel better but maybe it's because I'm not particularly happy with where the story is going . Maybe it's stress and being so worried or maybe I lost my love for writing

I had a few ideas on what to do with this story

a "Delete it " I don't want to do that but maybe it's my best choice. Why put more effort into something I may never finish or that it might turn out terrible ?

b "Put it on hiatus" No idea how long it would last or if I would ever come back . So far I tried to avoid this because I adore my readers and feel like putting it on hiatus is the worse thing in the world but maybe a pause to put my head together is my best choice .

c " start over from the part where I lost the spark and try to see if I can find it again " I may find it or not and I don't know if I would ever be able to return to bimonthly updates but I always loved this story and always planned on polish it once it was over . This is my favorite choice since I miss the enthusiasm of writing . it was always something that made me happy and helped me through my worst times . It was a form of therapy for me and believe me when I tell you that right now I need it. Maybe a do over would help me feel better

d" Delete the whole thing and come back someday with everything all ready and written " Not sure why I wrote this one as an option but still if it's what you all want then I'll do it. There is a high chance that I may never end it . You all know how slow I'm at writing this and without readers, I would likely give up mid way through"

Any to prove how serious this is . I placed this here and not on SKP. My head is in no shape to make decisions so I am leaving the choice to you, my readers. .

Whatever choice gets the most votes will be the one I go with.

Thank you for reading , please stay safe, healthy and inside. The world , I and doctors and nurses thank you .

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