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The light pierced their eyes as they slowly woke up. The girls found themselves in a sort of room. It had dim lighting and the walls are lined with a sort of sponge.

"Where are we?" Chaewon looked around the place. As she tried to move she couldn't even pull her arms to her front. It was then they realized their arms and legs were bound.

Miyuki shivered from the cold air. "Unnie, I don't like this..." Catrine edged towards her and had the youngest rest on her chest.

"Who in the--" Mina's words were cut off when a door they didn't know was there swung open, revealing a girl in a black T-shirt layered with a white coat and black trousers. Her eyes scanned the girls sprawled on the floor, although never meeting theirs. 

"Who are you?" Minsu shot a look to the girl, who didn't acknowledge it. The girl looked outside before shutting the door and crouching down before them.

"Please don't make a noise," she said as she started to untie Naeyeon. Once she was freed she helped untie the others.

"You still haven't answered me, ya know," Minsu said. The girl looked at her and bowed her head.

"Apologies. I'm Min Aerin and well... I work here," she said. The girls shared a look

"So you are one of the kidnappers?" Mina asked.

Aerin looked at her. "I'm afraid so."

"Then why are you untying us? Are you gonna do something?" Minsu asked straightforwardly.

Questions flooded their minds. Who is this girl? Why is she helping them?

"So you work here? How long?" Chaewon asked.

Aerin sighed. "Unfortunately, that is a question I cannot answer. You see, I have no memory whatsoever regarding my life before."

Some of them sympathized with the girl. It must be hard to be in a foreign place with no memory of how you got there.

"Why should we trust you? How do we know you're not going to hurt us?" Catrine asked as she wrapped a protective arm over the two youngest, having her arm swatted away by Minsu.

Aerin just looked ar her with an unreadable expression. "Because I can tell you why you were brought here."

Their ears perked up at the mention. They all looked at Aerin. "So are you going to tell us?"

Aerin took a deep breath. "You guys are in an asylum."

Silence fell over them as they tried to process her words.

"Asylum? You guys think we're insane?" Mina retorted.

Aerin shook her head. "This asylum... isn't what it seems."

They all looked at each other.

"What do you mean by that?"

Aerin huffed. "The term "asylum" is just a cover-up for what this place actually is. Yes, this place is an asylum, but besides that, this place is some sort of... lab," she explained.

Chaewon furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would a lab need a cover-up as an asylum?"

Aerin fiddled her fingers. "The lab that I mean is... a place to experiment on superhumans."

Catrine scoffed. "Superhumans? That makes no sense whatsoever."

Aerin raised her eyebrow. "I can prove it to you." She lifted her hand and opened her palm, making them all gasp.

"But... It can't be..."

Aerin nodded. "I didn't believe it at first either, who would've thought i was one?" She chuckled slightly before her smile faded. "I have to hide it, though. Who knows what they'll do when they find out."

Naeyeon tilted her head. "Who?"

"The people of this asylum," she sighed. "I managed to work here without getting caught for quite long enough, but now I have to help you guys."

"Wait a minute," Chaewon said. "So if this is a place for superhumans and we were brought here does that mean--"

"Yes." Aerin nodded.

"But how? I don't remember blasting out powers at all," Miyuki piped up.

"That's what I need to tell you guys," Aerin said. "Now come, I'll take you guys to my office, but do be quiet."


Whoop she's here

Anywho I have a quick question
I wanna make this giveaway every week where i'll make a book cover/layout for a lucky person.

So i'll have a random question about me (just like my fandom stuff) and the first to get the correct answer will have a cover/layout made for them

Anyone interested?

Asylum - Monsta XDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora