ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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The cheerful grin never left Jooheon's face even after Chaewon had stepped into the room, the door now only a pile of dust in the ground. She couldn't think straight, still in a state of shock. "D-did I really do that?" She managed to stutter out.

Jooheon nodded slowly. "Eyes don't lie when you see them up close," he said. He led her to his bed, helping her sit down. He rubbed her back gently to soothe her from her state of shock.

"First it was Minsu, now it's me..." Things have been becoming odder as the time passed in here. Everything that happened seemed illogical. It might even drive her to the brink of insanity. The young girl buried her face in her hands, a small groan escaping her lips.

"Hey, it's nothing you should be worried about," Jooheon said, patting her back gently. "It is rather alarming, I have to admit. I couldn't sleep for days when I found out about my powers."

His words made a small chuckle escape the girl's lips. "You know no sleep at all is bad for you, right?"

Jooheon shrugged. "Eh, I managed to get a quick nap in the afternoon."

It was odd as to how they felt like best friends just catching up on good times instead of two complete strangers in an asylum. His presence brought her a sense of comfort. All stressful thoughts were stripped away at the moment as she tried to compose herself.

"So... I have powers," she concluded, earning a nod from the chubby boy. "The powers of destruction," he said.

"What if I was right?" He mused, his finger on his chin. "Perhaps you are the guardian."

Chaewon blinked, processing what he just said. Her? The guardian of... what? Is it even possible?

Then again, things have been going around out of the normal for them.

"That's just-"

"Shocking, I know."

Chaewon slowly stood up, clearing her throat.

"I guess... It would make sense."

Jooheon looked down at his feet, kicking them back and forth.

"I think there's one more way to prove it."

The girl looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"How?" She asked. Wasn't the leftovers of the door enough proof?

Jooheon stood up, pointing towards the anklet on his foot.

"This thing is restricting my powers." He pouted.

"So you want me to..." Chaewon bent down, touching the anklet.

One minute... Two minutes... Nothing happened.

"Why isn't this wor-"

As she touched it with all five fingers, the anklet started to crumble in her touch. Chaewon looked up at Jooheon, whose eyes glimmered with glee.

"It looks like the new future has dawned upon us."

The sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway outside, bringing the two back to their senses. 

"We need to get out of here."

The two bolted for the door, immediately spotting a bunch of guards running towards them.

"Someone must've alerted them!" Jooheon waved his hands in front of them, forming a huge shield. The guards started shooting at them, causing the shield to start cracking.

"I can't hold them off much longer. We need to go!" Jooheon grabbed Chaewon by the wrist and yanked her away from the place, passing the numerous hallways and turns. It seemed like hours as they ran through the endless labyrinth of that strange place. Jooheon could sense that they were getting closer and halted for a moment, racking his brain for a way out. His eyes travelled to the pipes on the wall, an idea forming in his head.

"Try destroying some of the pipes. It might give us some time."

Chaewon did as she was told, the pipes slowly degrading and liquid pouring out of it. They didn't stop crumbling even until the pipes made a turn. They used the time to find a way out, but it seemed almost hopeless for them at that point.


Like a miracle that dawned upon them, they spotted Aerin and the others in a fairway corner. Brushing off all his exhaustion, Jooheon threw Chaewon over his shoulder, causing her to let out a small yelp, and dashed towards the group.

"I know a way out of here," Aerin said, leading them through an almost invisible hatch in the corner. It went down into dim-lit and narrow tunnel: not the most ideal place. But what other choice did they have? They needed to get away from the place and this was their only option.

The group followed silently behind Aerin, using their time to recollect what just happened.

"So," Aerin started. "You met Jooheon."

Chaewon nodded, staying close to the boy she found the strange comfort in. "And I think I-"

"You unlocked your powers."

Chaewon nodded again. Of course, what didn't this mysterious girl didn't know? They continued walking through the tunnel, finally finding a way up and out. Climbing one by one, they entered what seemed like a small bunker. Aerin explained that she found this place a few weeks ago. She supposed it was used for emergencies but people forgot about it due to the fact that they have a new and improved bunker. This place they're in is only a small walk away from the asylum fence, so they won't be too far away either will they get caught.

"So you happened to unlock your powers?" Aerin inquired once they settled down.

"I think so? Jooheon said that I am now the 'guardian of destruction'" she air quoted, gesturing to the male who was busy chugging down a bottle of water.

"Well according to the legends, the guardian of destruction is guardian to the warrior of reaction, correct?" Aerin said, earning a nod from Jooheon. "And Jooheon happens to be the warrior of creation."

So that's what he was all about, Chaewon thought. Now thinking of it, he created random blocks at his feet and even a shield.

"Yup, and boy is it good to be back." Jooheon stretched. "That anklet only let me made so little things, it was getting tiring."

It felt good for a moment, hiding away from the people who tried to hurt them, just catching up. Miyuki and Minseo were asleep on Catrine's lap while Mina and Naeyeon just stood there and listened intently to the conversation.

A buzz from Aerin's belt ruined the moment. Picking up the walkie talkie in her belt, the girl held it to her ear. "Yes, this is Aerin, over."

"Get to the operating room. It seems like things are moving too slow so we're starting things now."


Finally I updated again whew...

Sorry for the late update guys hshshs

Also, May I spoil what will happen next: Netflix Titans, Season 1 episode 7. Most of the ideas came from there

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