ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚

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Can you guys drop your timezones? Or what time is it where you are? So I will know when should I Post


Chaewon had snuck out of the room. It was a stupid reason, but she didn't feel comfortable being cramped in a small room with the others. She made sure no one saw her as she crept through the strangely deserted corridor. As she carefully skimmed the murky grey walls, her breath hitched upon hearing footsteps.

"Hello?" A small voice squeaked from the corner. Chaewon kept her back against the wall, biting her lip to prevent even the smallest of sounds to escape.

"Is someone there?"

She held her breath as she heard the footfalls of someone getting closer. They were getting closer and closer, the muffled sounds clear in her ears.

"You! What are you doing huh?"

At that moment, it was as if her heart has stopped. Fast, loud footsteps echoed through the corridor. Chaewon closed her eyes, ready to meet her inescapable doom. But no one showed up.

"I thought I heard someone..." the first voice murmured.

"Aish, Miyeong. You could be a handful sometimes," the other said. "Now come."

The pair of footsteps got farther and farther. Chaewon risked it and peered from the corner; she saw a girl, barefoot and in all white, tailing behind a man in a white coat. Her dark hair was long and unkempt. She watched as they walked away until they turned at a corner.

Making sure no one else was in sight, Chaewon crept again through the deserted corridors. Her senses sharpen with every step, keeping her on her toes. She flinched at the smallest of sounds and stopped at every turn, making sure there was no one who would walk into her once she took a turn.

The deadly silence reminded her of that day. It brought an uneasy feel to her,  remembering how that incident scarred her. She felt stupid. Why was she putting her self in a similar situation as before? It was too late when that realization dawned upon her. She wanted to return to the office but she had strayed so far she cannot remember where she went.

Her movements came to a halt at a small voice coming from the end of the hall. It was a male's voice for all she knew; it sounded soft, yet slightly hoarse. With her curiosity taking over her,   she walked closer to it, feeling that the person bearing the voice was harmless.

"Circle... Square... Triangle."  That's all he said, followed by a small giggle. He kept chanting the same words over and over again, unaware of the girl who was coming towards him. Chaewon stopped before another well-treated door. It bore the writing "L-0810" on it. Her hands reached the small slot on it, sliding it open. Her eyes swept over the minimalistic room, but what caught her attention was the male sitting on a bed, facing away from her. She sensed the familiarity seeing him. She saw him... very recently.

"You're Jooheon, aren't you?"

The male flinched at her words. His head slowly turned towards the door, confusion and curiosity painted all over his face.

"H-how did you know?" He asked timidly. He looked like a small child caught doing something wrong. Chaewon couldn't help but coo over how adorable he seemed, but her eyes went to the anklet he wore. It was blinking in a variety of colours ranging from red to blue to yellow. At his feet a pile of what looked like building blocks surrounded him. Aeri did mention about them having powers. Perhaps... it had to do with his.

"I... Aeri told me," she said. At the mention of Aeri, his eyes lit up, like he was offered candy. He climbed out of his bed and walked towards her, a sense of eagerness in his face.

"You know her?" He asked softly. "Did she... did she send you here?"

Chaewon shook her head, many thoughts running through her mind. How did they know each other? Did Aeri promise him something? To be honest, things just keep getting more confusing the longer she stayed in that place. 

"N-no I..." Her words hung in the air, lingering in the awkward silence between the two. Jooheon's gaze did not leave her, as if he's trying to see into her. His fingers reached up and rested on the slot that became the only way they could communicate.

"You shouldn't be here. They might find you," he said. Their eyes locked with each other for a moment; that short moment formed a knot in her stomach, an odd sensation she never felt before.

"B-but I can't leave you here." Chaewon was surprised with her own words. She had only met him just now,  yet she had the sense of helping him. Jooheonsighed, looking away.

"I... I don't want to leave this place," he muttered. It made Chaewon's head snap up, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" She asked. Jooheon turned away, his back facing her again.

"I've done too many things I now regret."

Again, the awkward silence consumed them, creating more tension in the air as every second passed. Chaewon's fingers slowly went up to the slot, her body leaning in closer.

"But those were mistakes in the past, right? Maybe you can get out of here, and there will be a chance to fix things." Jooheon turned back to her. He no longer showed the young and childish look. Instead, his eyes showed a man who had seen so many in his life; a man who had faced many battles, scarred by all he had witnessed. 

"You wouldn't be here for a reason," he suddenly said. Chaewon tilted her head. Did he know about the powers?

"Aeri had told you about the legend, yes? I don't think she had mentioned about the warriors one by one."

"Warrior of creation, having the ability to create almost any non-living object. He may have such simple abilities, but the curse harmed him, making him create things he did not want to create and sometimes make him lose control over his abilities. That's where the guardian of destruction comes in, helping him get rid of the over excessive creations." He paused, thoughts lingering in his mind.

"What if... you are the guardian?"

Chaewon narrowed her eyes. He wasn't pulling her leg, was he? Then again, she had witnessed Minsu done unexplainable things as well. She averted her gaze to the blocks that scattered on the bed. Did he create all that?"

She was too deep into thought to notice the metal under her fingers slowly starting to rot. Jooheon's widened eyes were what made her look down.

"Wha-" she was frozen in place, just letting the door continue to turn into the murky brown shade, spreading like an infection.

And once she blinked, she watched the door slowly crumble to the ground.


So that happened-

Yes, I said I would give backstories, but this was hanging in my drafts

 On a serious note

I bet everyone is aware of the recent events that have been happening.

The reason I haven't talked about it is that I was afraid I might word things wrong

But I have fingers and a social media platform, so I will help spread the awareness

The whole incident is sickening, just shows how messed up society is

I may live halfway across the earth, and some of you might be too

But it doesn't mean we can't do anything about it

1) We can help by signing the petition

2) For those who can help donate

3) Most of us are too young or have no money, but we can help financially by watching this video. No skipping ads, just watch the entire thing

4) Help spread the word, use your platform to do so

I will leave the links in the comments

Thank you

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