twenty one [c.a.m]

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twenty one. [c.a.m]

11 days until Sydney concert


I couldn't get the image of Michael's hurt expression when he saw Callum and I kissing. I didn't mean for it to happen and neither did he, Callum and I agreed it was a mistake and it would never happen again, we just laughed it off just because we were friends. But none of that would take away the hurt Michael was feeling. I swear I couldn't feel his eyes burning into me every time I think about the kiss. Fair enough he did sleep with that slut at my celebration party but that doesn't validate what I did.

I really really liked Michael, so much. I wanted to know if he felt the same way, I mean he wouldn't have reacted how he did if he didn't feel something, but then there's always that of the unknown right?

I was going to tell him how I felt on the day before I got away on my new job. just so I can get it off of my chest before I go, that way if I get shot down by him that my trip would lift my spirits up, but then again I needed to get through this heap of shit I had just got myself into.

He hadn't spoken to me since last night, he left my house straight away without a word, he wasn't responding to any of my messages and I was so unsure of what to actually do. So I messaged Sam for some sort of advice.

Casey; I need you Sam

Casey; it's like serious

Casey; code red serious

Casey; Sam dude it's 2:30pm you have no excuse to be asleep

Casey; dammit sam

Casey; if you're ignoring me too I'm not going to be able to cope.

Casey; Sam please

Casey; fine.

Casey; message me when you feel like responding to my request for help.

I waited and hour and a half and still got no reply from Sam, or Michael. I was fm beginning to get frustrated. How could I fuck things up so badly? I literally didn't know how I had managed to get myself into this stupid mess, I would be kicking myself for days and days if I got no reply.

Three hours since the last few texts to Sam and Michael were sent and my phone vibrated on my desktop.

Michael; why can't I just be mad at you for a full day? Let me be mad, stop making me want to laugh at your cuteness.

And I smiled the hardest I had smilies for the past day or two. Typical Michael, be a cutie 24/7. But the more I checked my phone, the less likely a text from Sam was going to be, and it saddened me that I had made him mad without even knowing.

But Michael was back, and I vowed to not fuck up again

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