Chapter 8

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"Draco." Harry whined again, Draco wasn't talking to him, and by the looks of it, he didn't plan to for quite some time. The thought hurt Harry, he wanted Draco to talk to him again, he would even take the insults that seemed to come after every sentence with him.

Somehow, Nott had found them, Nott was the reason Draco wasn't talking to him, he didn't know for sure, but Harry thought that the Forbidden Forest scared the blond. He didn't need to be afraid, Harry would protect him.

There it was again, the overwhelming need to protect Draco, to make sure he was safe, at first, Harry had thought that he and Draco were just close friends, like Ron and Harry were, but he didn't feel the same way with Ron. Every time Draco complimented him, he felt something bloom in his chest, every single act of staggering genius made Harry bloom.

He had asked Hermione, hoping for answers, but she had just laughed and patted him on the back, giving him a look. Harry was never good at figuring out what Hermione's looks meant. Harry remembered the shows that he had seen when he had peaked a look at the telly, stories of a woman and a man falling in love, maybe it was the same with them-

But, the telly had never shown a man and a man falling in love, he had never seen it in real life either, was it even an option, or was he just a freak for thinking that it was, was that why Hermione had laughed, laughed at him?


The word echoed inside the young Potter's mind, and he started to hyperventilate. Draco stopped, he no longer heard the sound of footsteps behind him, he looked around and saw the lamp that Harry was holding on the floor, he was breathing much too quickly, and Draco hated to admit that he was worried.

Speedwalking over to Potter, Draco started to do what he thought would calm him down, rubbing his back and whispering in his ear, like his mother had done for him when he had nightmares,

"Don't worry, it's okay." Draco continued to rub circles on Harry's back, it was a tad bit awkward, but he could get through that.

He only stopped when he saw that Harry had stopped breathing so fast and was looking at him, a small smile on his lips and his face red with embarrassment.

"Thanks." Potter whispered.

Draco nodded, his previous anger towards Potter had dissipated somewhat, he knew he was being irrational, but it was normal for him to just blame Potter for things. But this wasn't Potter, it was Harry, and blaming Harry for things wasn't right.

"Are you still mad at me?" Harry asked.

"No." Draco answered slowly, it was weird, everything in him told him to scream 'yes, Potter, of course I'm mad at you!', but he knew that it was wrong to scream at Harry.

He didn't know how that made sense, but it did.

"Good." Harry smiled, seeming to forget about his -what would you even call it- panic attack?

"Yeah, good." Draco nodded, picking up the abandoned lamp and handing it to Harry, who took it, not even paying attention to what Draco was putting in his hands.

"Hey, Dray, Hermione, Ron and I wanted to tell you this after we got rid of the dragon, but you know.." He trailed off, but Draco got the idea.

"Um, we're going to break into a room." Draco halted.

"What room?"

"The one on the third floor." The forbidden one.

"Could you come with us?" Harry looked at him.

"Yes." Draco didn't have to think, he would finally figure out what had happened during first year and why Potter had gotten so many house points, it clearly had something to do with Quirell, but he didn't know what, he didn't know what the man was hiding, just that he wasn't who he seemed to be.

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