The Bully-Bughead

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⚠️use of self harm⚠️
Betty's POV
I've never fit in I don't want to either I'm quite happy alone and reading. I don't have the best life I get bullied at school and at home my dad abuses me, my mum try's to help but then she gets hurt as well so she doesn't really even try anymore. Today is just like all the others only my head is pounding as my dad smashed my head against my wall this morning when I got up 1 minute late, but anyway if I trail to school, the only escape from my dad but not the abuse.
*at school*
I walk to my locker trying to avoid everyone, if I even look at someone then I'm getting pinned against the wall all I will get called a slut because of what I where, like today I'm wearing a black leather jacket ripped black jeans and a white crop top with some black heel boots, but wearing these clothes makes me stand out as they think I belong on the south side.
"Oi Cooper" I turn around knowing exactly who it is. "Forsythe grown any balls" I reply with a smirk. "Very funny, how many guys were in your bed last night you ugly slut." He says giving me a death stare. I just slam my locker and run to the restroom, I can't cope it's not just him it's the fact that everyone joins in. What he said wasn't even that bad but when it's every day, every hour, I can't do this anymore so I go into a cubicle and lock the door pulling out my razor. I shouldn't even have a razor in school but I do it helps me cope. Before I do anything with it my legs get week and I slide down the wall crying into my knees unable to stop. I take my jacket of and that's it 1 cut straight across my arm just deep enough to make me bleed continuously but not poor out. After that I just sit there crying the bell has already gone by now.
Jughead's POV
I don't know why she's my target everyday I seem to bully the same girl Betty Cooper, the boys were calling her fit and then laughing and making fun of her so I just made her my target. The problem is I don't want to hurt her because the truth is I think she is beautiful and I would've loved to call her mine but I can't because I don't want to loose all my friends. "Very funny, how many guys were in your bed last night you ugly slut." Why did I just say that. I was standing there waiting for one of her comments but I got nothing she just walked away, I knew it this time I had hurt her and there was no going back. I watched her go into the girls restroom and after a few minutes the bell went. I was walking to English and I know Betty is in my English and she would never miss a lesson so I enter the room and I don't see her. My heart drops. How could I do this? Is she okay? I run out of the room and into the girls bathroom and I hear quite sobs coming from the end cubicle. There was nobody else in here I knew it was her. I walk over to the cubicle and stand in front of the door. "Betty" I ask in a soft sweet tone. "Come to harass me" she cries "I'm sorry Betty I had and have no reasons please can you let me in." I ask gently a tear falling out my eye. "You bully me forever and now you want to what help." She replied and I can tell she is hurt. "Betty please" I stand there waiting and to my surprise the door opens, I go into the cubicle locking the door behind and what I see makes my heart shatter. "Betty I need you to trust me and I know it will be hard but you need to let me help you." I say hoping she will agree, this is the girl I have wanted to be with forever but I broke her. She just nods tears repeatedly falling out of her eyes. I crouch down and take the blade out of her hand flushing it down the toilet. Then I see that she is shaking so I take my flannel of being careful of her arm, before sitting down next to her. She is still crying so I carefully lift her into my lap. "I'm so sorry please forgive me Betty I will never hurt you ever again." I say pleadingly just holding her tightly against me. "I forgive you jug but you're getting blood on your shirt and it's on your f-flannel please don't h-hurt me." She cries, I pull her head into my chest. "I won't hurt you but we need to get you cleaned up." I reply It's not only this that is making me feel sorry for her though it's the fact there's scars and bruises on her arms which I noticed before wrapping her in my flannel. "Betty I need to know if someone is hurting you physically." She gulped at that which made me want to cry too. "My d-dad" I put one of my hands in her hair and one supportively on her back. "Baby you can stay with me tonight I can't let anyone else hurt you not after what I did." A slight smile comes to my face as I realise I called her baby and that she nods in agreement. I grab a bandana from my bag don't ask why I have it in there (I use it as a sweat band) and wrap it around her cut carefully and then pull the flannel over it. I take of my jacket and pull it on her so she doesn't ruin hers and then stand up pulling her up with me. "You don't have to do this I don't want to ruin your clothes, or make you take me home." She says wiping her tears. "I want to though" I say as I let her go to grab both of our school bags and her jacket. "Ready" she nods but I can see that she's finding hard to walk as she's probably dizzy from loosing blood, so I hold her up with my spare are rearranging things so I can pick her up bridal style. We make it into the corridor and she hides her face into my chest she must be tired. "Sleep baby" I'll get us home.
And he did they spent that whole night laughing and crying just sharing emotions like they continued to do for the rest of their lives.

This was 1148 words I really hope you have liked my new oneshots H/C

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