Quarantine- bughead

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Betty's POV
We're going into lockdown or quarantine I'm not sure but we've been put on a warning and our little town of Riverdale has been told it will happen within the next 2 days. I'm scared and afraid I have no way of getting out and I can't stay here we don't know how long it will last. My parents, my sibling they aren't the nicest people and they are certainly not people you want to be locked up with for several weeks. My dad(Hal) and brother(Chic) they physically abuse me I get hit at least 3 times a day, My mom(Alice) and sister(Polly) are another story they mentally hurt me in any way possible whether it's fat shaming me, calling me slut, whore, skank as a whole my family will do anything to hurt me, make me cry punish me, I want to know what I've done so I can make it right.
Jughead's POV
I heard we are going into lockdown and the first thing I'm worried about is Betty. Not food (surprisingly) I know her family is abusive I am always there to help her but there's only so much she will let me do, I've tried everything, she comes to school shaking, crying, beaten and I feel terrible that I can't do anything. My dad loves Betty like she is his own he has also tried to help but she won't let us.
Betty's POV
I know that I should ask but I can't I've just taken my second beating of the hour and I need to escape, to the only place where I know people will help me. I run all the way there tears pouring down my face, freezing cold, blood slowly dripping on my face.
"JUGGIE" I shout as I knock on his trailer door. He opens it and looks at me with sadness. "Betts baby what happened" he asks pulling me into his warm embrace and shutting the door. I can't stop myself and immediately break down in his arms. He pulls me onto the sofa into his lap so we're more comfortable, I continue to cry and hide my head into his neck. "DAD bring the first aid kit." Jug quietly yells and FP runs out bringing the kit over. "Betty darling come here." He says I slowly get of off jugs lap and walk over to FP he wraps his arms around me. "Darling what happened." He asks I just shake my head and sit back into jugs lap. FP is the closest thing I've ever had to a farther he helps me all the time and let's me know I'm always welcome in his home.
Jughead's POV
I love Betty and my dad's relationship I'm so glad that he has supported her just as much as I have. She straddles my lap snuggling back into me. I run her back. "Betts can we clean you up." I ask knowing the cuts on her face will get infected. She nods her head and turns around in my lap. F my dad bends down and starts cleaning the cuts.
This girl has been through so much I love her too damn much she's like my own daughter, her mom used to be so different I don't know what happened, but it hurts me seeing Betty have to run to me and Jug for help everyday. "All done sweetheart" I say kissing her head as I finish cleaning the cuts she smiles and hides her head back into my sons neck.
Betty's POV
"Juggie what am I going to do... we're going into lockdown and I... I can't stay with them I don't think I'll make it out alive." I sob into his chest. "It's okay baby just breathe for me okay." my breathing slows and he kisses my cheek. "Come and live with us, for lockdown or forever you choose, I love you, my dad loves you... and I promise that we will never hurt you." Jug smiles at me sadly. "Juggie that's not fair on you or your dad." I turn around to see FP still there. "Betty sweetheart I know you love Jug but come here for a sec." FP says I slowly get of jugs lap and walked to FP. He pulled me into a hug and put my head into his chest caressing my hair. "Betty we love you the only thing I don't like about you moving in is that we didn't ask you sooner, that will be the biggest regret of my life, Alice and me were close and as soon as we saw each other again when you and jug started dating I could tell she had changed and I should have taken you off her when I found out they were abusing you.I'm so glad Jug found you and took care of you." I smiled widely and hugged him tighter, "FP thank you, I love you too not as much as Juggie but I do love you... you've done so much for me and 3 years ago when I met the love of my life and he introduced me to you I was so happy that I had a parent figure that actually cared." We were all crying and emotional wrecks I leg go of FP wanting my Juggie back and he lifted me into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his torso and kissed his cheek.
Nobody's POV
"Okay kids, we have lots to do but you've both had a long day so Jug you and Betty sit down and watch a movie I will order us Pops and then tomorrow we will go and get Betty's stuff and I know you don't want to but we will tell your parents that you won't be living with them okay." FP says smiling sadly.  "I don't need food but thank you and of course I understand." Betty tucks her head back into jugs neck as he sits on the couch. "Baby girl I don't care what you say you're eating you're getting tiny and I don't like it, you're beautiful you really are and you need to eat because I love you and I want you to be healthy." Jughead kisses her cheek. "Okay only for you though" she smiles.
The pops came and Betty sat on Jugs lap as she slowly ate it, Jug had demolished his within seconds.  "Are you okay." Jug smiles. "Yeah just thinking." She replies.
They spent the rest of the evening cuddling and then Jughead carried her to bed where they cuddled some more and slept.
I walked into Jughead's bedroom so see Betty's head on his chest and him holding her close his arm tightly around her almost as if to say he wasn't letting her go. I didn't want to wake them but we have a lot to do to prepare for this whole lockdown shenanigans. "Jug wake up" I whispered slightly nudging him. "What dad?" He questioned. "You need to get up we've got to get Betty's stuff and get food and stocked up on items, I didn't want to wake her because I know that she's had hard times sleeping." He nodded and slowly got up leaving her snuggling with blankets. "I will get ready and then just give her some clothes to change into and let her sleep." He whispered to me and I nodded before leaving.
Jughead's POV
I wasn't actually going to wake Betty up to get changed I will just put my hoodie on her and slide some jeans on her as she sleeps in her underwear. Yes it sounds strange and I know she can do it herself but I want to make sure she can sleep she's delt with so much. I quickly get dressed and washed before taking my hoodie and her blue denim jeans to get her changed. "Hey gorgeous I just wanted to let you know I'm getting you dressed you can stay sleeping though." I whispered and kissed her head. I somehow got her dressed and picked her up to take her to the car, she wrapped her legs around my torso and hid her head into my neck.
*at Betty's house*
Nobody's POV
Betty was just about awake as they pulled up at her house. "Okay Betty stay next to Jughead at all times and I do the talking okay." FP said calmly, they both nodded in agreement and went up to knock on the door. "FP" Alice asks. "Yeah sorry can't stay long we just need to grab a few of Betty's things she's staying with us." FP said calmly and lead Betty and Jug to her room Alice closely behind. They all started packing and Alice continued to talk to FP. "You can't just take my daughter away FP, she is staying with us, her family." "And what kind of family are you, the poor girl is distraught mentally and physically, she's skinny and weak, she doesn't get enough sleep she is always hurting physically." FP snapped. Luckily jug and Betty has finished packing what was needed and they all headed to the car throwing Betty's boxes in the back. "I SWEAR TO GOD CHILD GET YOUR ASS IN THIS HOUSE" Alice shouted. Betty got scared and Jughead noticed so grabbed her hand and they all got in the car and drove away.
The lockdown was spent having movie days and gaming days, days where they would just cuddle, for a young couple they didn't argue once, they were all finally happy, FP was great full that his son had finally found the one.

This is very very long and I dragged it on quite a bit but it was requested if you have any requests feel free to ask I have a few I need to get around to doing. H/C

Sprousehart/bughead oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang