Period- bughead

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Recently all my oneshots have been quite sad so here's just a little cute one.

Betty's POV
I woke up with a slight pain in my stomach and I knew exactly what it was, so I ran straight to the bathroom to look for anything but nope I'm out. I felt like crying. I ran back to my bed and payed their knowing there was only one thing to do.
*on the phone*
B: Juggie.
J: what's wrong baby school starts soon.
B: I can't go to school today, could you bring me something's before you go.
Jughead knew exactly what she meant.
J: Of course bubs can you give me 10-15 mins.
B: yeah thank you Juggie.
J: your welcome baby love you.
B: love you too.
Jughead's POV
I'm not going to go to school today either I know my baby hates when she gets her period so I will take care of her instead, after the call I quickly grabbed her favourite hoodie, T-shirt and sweatpants of mine and threw them into the bag before jumping in my dads truck and going to the shop.
As the supportive boyfriend I am I know exactly what my girl likes so I grab her some pads and tampons then loads of snacks as well as a new fluffy blanket some cosy socks and new sheets and covers as I now how much she loves new ones I also grab her some pain relief a bath bomb and a cute teddy before paying and running out to get our pops order before heading to my girl.
*at Betty's* Nobody's POV
"Hello Jughead, Betty said you would be coming she's in her room." Ms Cooper said before Jughead jolted upstairs with all the bags. He walked into Betty's room to see her quietly reading. "Hello bubs" Jughead said sweetly, she looked over and smiled "Juggie" he walked over placing the bags down and holding her in a deep hug. "I know you hate your period so why don't you go and have a bath (hands her the bath bomb) and then I bought you some of my clothes to put on as well as pads and tampons, I will change your sheets because I know you love new ones." She saw the new sheets in his hand. "Juggie you're the cutest." She pecked his lips. "I got some Pops and snacks I will set it all up baby you go relax in the bath." She nodded her head and ran off.
Jughead quickly changed the sheets, made her bed folding up her new blanket and teddy on the end before laying all the food out so it was in reach.
She came out of the bathroom all cosy in Jughead's clothes. "Juggie you got all this?" She asked running over to him the blanket and teddy. "Of course I did I love you baby girl." She kissed him. "It's beautiful Juggie thank you." She picked up the teddy and blanket and crawled into bed, Jughead crawling in next to her.

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