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Lili's POV
I'm auditioning for the roll of Betty Cooper the perfect girl next door in a show called Riverdale. I'm so excited but nervous I will be quite far from home as I have to film in Vancouver but I'm sure it will all work out, I'm about to catch my flight but as soon as I land I have to head straight to the auditions.
Cole's POV
I'm so excited to be playing the role of Jughead; I did apply for Archie but Jughead's a much better fit, they have still got to cast Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, so there's loads of people coming in today to try out. For some reason they are making me and Kj (Archie) as well as the rest of the cast like the parents come in today, I think it's so once they cast the last to main characters we can all get to know each other.
Lili's POV (at auditions)
I have finally made it and I have 30 mins until it's my turn to audition, my anxiety is really acting up, so I decided to leave the room surrounded with people waiting for there name to be called and went to the bathroom. I don't think it was just because I was scared though I saw Scarlett, she is my ex best friend she threatened me several times for no reason so I was scared of her and just slowly erased her from my life. I was starting to panic scared of what was going to happen, a tear slipped down my face and I started to sob quietly into my knees as I slid down the bathroom wall.
Cole's POV
I walked into the building and was going to walk straight through, but then I heard quite sobs coming from the bathroom. The bathrooms were fit for both genders so I just walked in to find out whom the sobs were coming from. "Hello are you okay" as I turned my head I saw a beautiful girl, her head was down and it seemed like she was finding it hard to breathe so I rushed over and sat next to her. "Hey I'm Cole can you look at me please." I ask sweetly. She turns her head up to look at me. "I know you don't know me but I need you to trust me can you follow my breathing." She slowly nodded her head and copied my deep breathes as I slowly rubbed my hand up and down her back. Her breathing slowed and her head leaned against my shoulder and I pulled her closer, god she was beautiful. "I'm sorry, you can go." She said quietly. "No I'm staying here as long as you need, what's your name princess.?" I asked not realising what I just called her. "Lili." I nodded slowly. "What's wrong Lil why did it seem you were having a panic attack when I walked in, you don't have to tell me.?" I made it a question. "Don't tell anyone but I have anxiety and I came here today to audition for Betty and then I saw someone who I can't be in the same room with without wanting to um... and it was all too much but I really want this job and now I have no chance." She kept rambling on but I stopped her. "Hey, your beautiful, your perfect for Betty and I can stay with you until your audition if you want and then I can even come into the room with you and stand by Tom (made up director) so you can look at me if you get nervous." I say kissing her cheek. "Thank you and Cole what are you doing here they are only picking two girl roles." She smiled. "Oh I'm playing Jughead." She smiled instantly and we both stood up. She went to look in the mirror and her smile dropped which made my heart break, there was something about this girl which told me to keep her and never let her go, I walked over to her appearing my head on her shoulder. "You look gorgeous, what's wrong." I asked "nothing it's just nobody has ever even thought of helping me, if they found me crying they just walk away, so why, why stay?" She questioned me and I didn't know what to say. I put my hands on her cheeks and tilted her head up. "There's just something about you Lili, something that tells me to never leave you." Why why why did I say that, but then I'm also glad I did because her smile is so so big it makes my heart expand.
Lili's POV
"There's just something about you Lili, something that tells me to never leave you." My heart stopped beating, does someone actually like me. As I walked out my heart was racing, was I scared of Scarlett or was I scared of auditioning I don't know but as I took a seat my worries started to fade as Cole sat next to me placing his hand on my thigh. "You'll be okay" my heart melted at how kind he was. Everyone started fangirling over Cole but he just stayed next to me and ignored them.
"Lili Reinhart" I heard I stood up gulping back my fear. "It will be okay Lil's" I smiled at Cole's comment and went to audition.

I would have left it at "does someone actually like me" however I would be pissed if someone did that to me. I could of made another part but it wouldn't really go to plan. Anyway next one will be soon. H/C

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