The Bet (part 2) (BEING EDITED)

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(A/N)*This is in both points of view... Even if the Cup brothers can't remember.... More to explain later. ;)

As a young Cuphead stared into the eyes of his first crush, he couldn't think up the right words to greet her properly, little alone ask her for her name.

Joan raised a brow and said, "Umm....excuse me? Can you please say something? Me and my sister could use some help." Then he finally noticed that, she too, had a twin sister.

He also finally noticed how much of a mess they were in. 'They look like they just got into a fight or something.' Cuphead thought to himself.

He thought long and hard to himself then turned around to his brother and asked if Elder Kettle was willing to help them. Mugman said that he probably would, but Mugman also contradicted his brother that they knew nothing about these girls. And the fact that one of them was covered in blood just made it even more suspicious.

But Cuphead argued with him and said, "That's also why we have to help them out! What if they were in a fight with a bear or something and they got hurt?"

Mugman couldn't argue with him against that logic, (for once), because judging by their appearance, they did look like they could possibly be hurt. Mugman sighed and said,

"Okay, fine. We'll take them to Elder Kettle."

Cuphead smiled and said, "You're the best, Muggy!"

And Mugman told him that he better take responsibility for whatever went wrong. Cuphead shrugged it off and turned back to face the girls. But as he turned around, he was caught off guard when he suddenly found that the girls were already on the other side of the stream.

And right in front of him to boot!

"Sorry for surprising you! We just really need help and you were taking too long to respond...!"

As Joan pleaded to Cuphead, she held her sister's hand tightly to reassure her that everything would be alright.

Cuphead noticed that Josephine was shaking all over and was trying hard to use her other hand to wipe as much blood off her face as possible. He made a face that said, "That's it! We're helping them!"

And Mugman knew that look of determination all to well. He also knew that once he set his sights on doing something, he was going to do it till the end! And no one, not even Mugman, could change his mind. Especially if it involved something that he had an interest in. Mugman stared at his brother and how he was looking at Joan, and sighed in disbelief.

And in response, Mugman replied, "Alright. Let's get going before it gets too late. If it gets any darker, we won't be able to find our way home. And Elder Kettle will be worried sick wondering where we are."

As Mugman said that, he started off down the path ahead of his brother. Cuphead realized how late it was and how Mugman was leaving them behind.

Cuphead quickly reached out and grabbed Joan's hand and said, "C'mon, let's get going! We can't do much to help you guys. But we know someone who can!"

Joan and Josephine were surprised at first, but then they looked at each other and nodded in agreement that they were going to take a gamble and trust him and his brother.

A New Beginning- A Casino Cups Story {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now