The Unexpected Encounter

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It was late at night and the Cup brothers were pulling another all-nighter at the casino. And poor Mugman was coming down with a flu bug that's been in the air all throughout the week around the work place. Already so many workers had been laid off because of it. Not even the conjoined domino twins were spared from its germy wrath. The Devil WAS about to close the casino until he resolved the issue until Joan recommended another twin pair of entertainers that would be willing to work for free. The only thing that Joan requested in return would be for her to have a day off to attend to her own "health needs". Cuphead felt a little lonely without her being there. But with Mugman coming down with the flu, he thought that it would be a good idea for her to be absent for a while. But thank the Lord that before Joan left, she gave Mugman some powerful healing medicine to fight off the virus. 

It was later on that night that Joan met up with Josephine and had the family reunion hug that they had previously skipped out on. Secondly, they strategized their song list for this evening's activities. First Joan would appear on first to sing:

Come Little Children

Wanderer's Lullaby

And then Daughter of the Moon

(which by the way are all songs that you can find on adrisaurus's website on YouTube or Spotify using that name.)

While during the second half Josephine would sing:

The Villain I Appear To Be (Diamond Jack)

I'm Still Standing (Sing)

And My Favorite Things

(which by the way are all covered by Anna on YouTube and Spotify)

And for the finale they would sing together using this song: Angel of the Stage.

(Which is covered by SquigglyDigg on her YouTube channel, her voice is the neutral tone for the twins. So even though one twin excels in light singing, like Joan. And the other excels at lower toned singing like Josephine. This voice is the in-between of both high and low. So basically, if they wanted too, they can sound like this as the what you would call it, "Twin voice". Two different sounding twins adjusting their voices to sound like one person that's talking. Basically a neutral or an in the middle voice).

They did it all under the guise of their dark cupid/were human forms. Joan was wearing a bright red and shiny/seductive looking dress while her sister wore the similar design of dress but only in the color of royal purple. And they both wore flashy looking masks that matched their dresses. They were known as "The Were Sisters". "Were" as in werehuman. When Joan had gotten done singing her half and Josephine took the stage, their other half of their plan went into affect. Joan, as a recons agent of Heaven, had memorized all the inns and outs of her "boss's" little lair. And had already known where the dagger was stashed. She disguised herself, using her shape shifting powers, as a lowly and unassuming demon. She hated every minute of it. But she was successful in swiping it without anyone being the wiser. And to make sure no one knew it was missing, she replaced it with a rubber knife toy that looked similar to the dagger but was highly exaggerated with the glitter coating on the "blade" part.

And so when they ended their duet together, Joan slipped Josephine the covered blade behind their backs. They waved ado to the audience and bid them farewell with a dramatical black out disappearing act. Joan, of course, went straight back to her room before anyone found out. While Josephine slipped from the back alley way from behind the casino. There was one problem though, King Dice was following her. He had his suscipcions as to who these fantastic singers were and wanted to confirm it. But he wasn't really for sure if they were angels or not. So he waited at the end of the alley to corner her and ask some questions. "Well hello there! I assume that you know who I am don't you? I'm the manager of this establishment and the right hand man of the devil himself. So I assume that you know what I'm here for, right?" Josephine went into her fighting stance and was about to strike when.......

"Now before you get carried away, I have a deal for you. So put that dagger away please?" Josephine was surprised, even though she was about to fight, the dagger was still behind her back away from view. How did he know that she had a weapon little alone, a dagger? He seemed familiar, even though this was their first time meeting face to face. She couldn't help but feel like she knew his voice from somewhere.

"What do you want fiend?!" He smirked and said "I'll let you leave in one piece AND with the blasted dagger, IF you do something for me." "I'm listening......." "Well I want is for you and your sister to become part time entertainers for us. It doesn't have to be ALL the time but when the audience grows impatient and a little "frisky". Sometimes Pip and Dot can't handle some of the druckards that try to get rough with them. So the "customers" need to be put back in their places sometimes. And the way you two controlled the audience to be respectful but "wow" them at the same time is what we really need. So, think about it." As he said this, he handed her a business card and disappeared from sight. She was stunned. She never thought that the right hand man of the devil would be asking for her assistance. She shook it off and went home.

But when she got back home, she noticed something. The business card that Dice handed her and the one that the charming stranger handed her looked identical!!!! That's when she realized who he was. "Oh crappers on a cracker!"

To be continued...

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