The Matchmakers

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The next day, as Joan was in the middle of her shift buffing tables, she kept noticing that people were staring at her. Some were even whispering to each other, probably whispering about her and Adrian. She figured that it was reasonable that the customers were curious of the new employees that were attending to their orders. Especially since both of them looked human. It is true that humans and non-humans coexist peacefully on the Isle, but other than Victoria Doll, no one has ever seen a human working for the casino or its boss. Most of the whispers were comments of pity saying that they won't last a day or even an hour working in this place. Joan had to admit, they were right about the fact that under normal circumstances, an ordinary human wouldn't last long working in THIS type of environment. But fortunately for both her and Adrian, they weren't ordinary humans. Joan breathed out a heavy sigh thinking about the mess that she had gotten into, and how in the world were they going to get out of it. She simply can't leave! Both her and Adrian are now under contract. Even if she and Adrian did run away before paying off the debt, the Devil would just send one of his goons to chase them down. She didn't really mind beating the crud out of his minions, but it would just make it harder for her to do those undercover co-op missions for the council. Especially now that their boss knows what she looks like and sounds like. Not only that, but the fact that her precious locket was still in the clutches of that monster and that if she did anything, like run away, he would do something terrible to it. Or that he might discover who she's related to also made that a possibility that she couldn't let happen.

As she was taking the cleaning supplies back to the closet, she had unknowingly dropped a cleaning rag unto the floor. And as she was putting the supplies away, an unknown hand slowly crept up behind her and had placed itself on her shoulder. She was about to punch whoever it was in the face. But when she turned around, the person just turned out to be Cuphead. "Oh, Cuphead. It's just you. Don't sneak up on me like that. Say something next time, or else you might not get so lucky. Now, what's the matter? Does "boss" or Mister Dice want me to do something? Or does someone want to order something?" Cuphead was trying his best to say the words that he wanted to say, which was, "Hey, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? Cuz you look absolutely HEAVEN-ly, angel! Anyways here's the rag you dropped. Much like this rag, you're DROP-dead gorgeous!" But for the life of him, he couldn't even get one word out of his stupid mouth. He practically clammed up. He actually looked pretty petrified. Joan was starting to get worried about him. She kept wondering if she scared him when she made that death threat to that devil employee the other day. She was about to reach out to him to see if he was alright, when Cuphead suddenly snapped out of his awkward trance and blurted out, "Here! You d-d-dropped this! Uuuuuhhhhhh.....bye then!!!" As he quickly made his exit, he quietly kept slapping himself in the head saying, "Stupid, stupid, stupid....." to himself numerous times. Leaving Joan with the impression that he was terrified of her and was just trying to help a newbie like her with her job. Probably forced to as well. She stared at the dirty rag and gripped it tightly. She was starting to feel like she would rather die in a 6 foot deep hole than making the one she liked too scared for him to even talk to her. She put away the rag back in the closet, slowly closed the closet door, and slowly but repeatedly banged her head on the door saying, "Stupid, stupid, stupid....."

And unbeknownst to both her and Cuphead, both Mugman and Adrian were watching behind the scenes. Their faces made a look that said, "What are we looking at here?" And that's when King Dice snuck up behind them and casually and nonchalantly asked, "What are you snoopers doing?" They practically almost jumped out of their skins in surprise. "Aren't you two supposed to wait on the customers tables? What are you trying to-" Before he tried finishing his sentence, both the snooping boys tried to hush Dice up before Joan noticed that they were there spying on her and Cuphead. With both of their hands on Dice's mouth, his face went from surprised to the "really?" look. They both looked back to see if she left or if she noticed them. Fortunately for them, she was just leaving and as soon as she went down the hallway and turned the corner, they let out a sigh of relief. Then King Dice muffeled, "Kaun yua wet go af mah mathe naw?" from under their hands. Which in translation, means, "Can you let go of my mouth now?" They quickly released his mouth, and just as quickly, apologized to him. "You know..... I know that Cuphead having a crush for the first time in his life is exciting, interesting, and EXTREMELY amusing. But there's a time and place for entertainment and for work. And I think that this isn't the time for entertainment. (Even though it's extremely funny to see Cuphead screw up trying to flirt with a girl while on duty). But it's not best to make this into a soap opera. Especially since it's only a one-sided love affair. In the end, she'll only break his poor little heart, (which, honestly, I'm kinda looking forward to), and in the end, we'll probably be the ones to try and console the "little cups for brains" until he gets over it. Which, is, who knows when. So for now, let's just get back to work. Shall we boys?" Mugman, though irritated at King Dice for making slight rude comments at his brother, nodded in agreement. And as they were about to leave, Adrian tried to make, (hence the word 'TRIED'), a slight comment at how Joan to, was the idiot as well for not trying to make an effort to tell Cuphead that she too, liked him in that way. Then, upon overhearing this comment, both Mugman and King Dice made a complete and utter stop in their tracks. They calmly and composedly turned around and walked towards Adrian. They then grabbed him and with wide eyes and spoke to him with excited voices, shook Adrian back and forth until he fessed up. Adrian was reluctant at first, trying not to dig a deeper grave than he already was in. But then, King Dice grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, held him close to his face, and used his scary green magic eyes in order to see the truth in Adrian's heart. And to scaring him to the point where he didn't have to use his powers to get to the truth. With that, Adrian fessed up the truth.

"Interesting~~~......this could end up a whole lot more fun than I originally thought. Mugman, Adrian, I know you two had your ideas on how to get those two together. But I think I have some BETTER ideas." Then with an evil and mischievous grin and laugh he put his hands together and told the boys to huddle around him to discuss what they were going to do and that they were going to let the rest of the casino staff in on this too. Adrian questioned if Dice was going to let the boss in on his plans as well. Dice thought about it for a minute and said, "Let's see how my first few plans work, and if those two idiots don't figure it out even then, or if things go south, then we'll let him in. But no one tell him until then! Got it?! Because knowing him, who uses seduction spells for flirting and has no idea on what to do when it comes to love, he'll just make it worse than it already is." Both Mugman and Adrian had to agree with that logic. And soon enough, they were planning operation, "Idiots in Love." But little did anyone know that things were going to take a sudden U turn. And soon enough, there were going to be two more idiots in love.

A New Beginning- A Casino Cups Story {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now