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As Joan was buffing the tables, she glanced over at the 'Missing Shoe' poster. She squinted her eyes then glared at it with extreme intensity and hatred. She thought to herself, "Whoever did this is asking for a death sentence! But regardless, I need that shoe back! It wasn't cheap and Josephine has already been on my case about it being hard to find and acquire. But how do I get it back from Cuphead without letting him know it was me that flirted with him that night?!" She pondered this for hours on end while doing her job. (She was a good multitasker and excelled at proving people wrong that she can hold up to any job that they threw at her. Jobs that she thought that wouldn't go against her morals that is.) While she continued to think up a strategy she noticed her "boss" leaving the casino while in a goat disguise. She had heard from the others that he used that disguise to do his errands outside for not freaking the townspeople. In fact, he used it so many times that it became his secondary form. This caused an epiphany for her. She realized that Cuphead only knew the human form of her. But not the beast form! The wheels were now turning in her head.

Several hours later, Cuphead had received a call at his apartment from the unknown performer that she would like her shoe back and that she would be most grateful if he could meet her at a private and disclosed location. He happily agreed, got ready, and went on his way. But not before telling Mugman of the situation first. Mugman was excited. Their plan actually worked?! This he and the other two had to see. He called them up, told them the situation, and also told them to hightail it here but with secrecy. And soon enough, the trio quietly but casually stalked Cuphead to his "meeting".

Cuphead couldn't believe it, he thought that the posters wouldn't work! But she actually called him. Something about this dancer was special. Her presence had the same effect on him just like Joan's presence did! He wanted answers and was intent on finding out just that. Not too far but not too close to his apartment building was a lone Cafe that was practically DEVOID of life. And sitting at an outside table was Joan in her beast form wearing sweat pants and jogging jacket with a hood. Underneath the hood she wore a baseball cap and a pair of oversized sunglasses and a face mask on. This was all to make sure that he didn't recognize her. (Although it may have been a bit overkill in my opinion).

"Oh gosh! There he is! And he looks so cute with his suspenders on~!!! Focus Joan! Focus!" She said this quitely to herself before he arrived at the table. When he sat down he asked, "I'm guessing you're the dancer from a few nights ago?" She nodded yes. She decided to only answer yes or no questions with simple nods of the head and using a gruff voice to any other important questions. "So, um, here's your shoe and um, if you don't mind, can I ask you a few questions?" He slid the shoe over the table to her and she took it with urgency but doing so discreetly. She simply nodded her head 'yes' and just let him ask all his questions as needed. Some of the questions she couldn't answer, but responded to ones like, "What's your favorite color?" Or "What's your blood type?" Was he.... trying to get to know her? Did he think that this was a date?! Oh gosh! She needed something like a diversion to get her out of this situation. Then it hit her. She secretly sent a telepathic message to her sister requiring assistance. Luckily for her, her sister was on a lunch break.

"What is it sis?" "I need help! I was trying to get the shoe back from Cuphead in disguise but now he thinks that this is a date! Help!" "But isn't this what you want?" "Well, yes, but not like this! Not when my identity is on the verge of getting exposed!" "Ok, hold on. Do you know his cell number?" "Yes, why?" "Just tell me and you'll find out!" A few minutes later, Cuphead's phone went off in his pocket. As he answered it, he seemed a bit worried and annoyed at the same time. "Sorry about this miss, but that was work that called. I have to go due to um, some circumstances that I can't explain. But um, hey! It was nice to meet you! I hope we get to see each other again some time." She simply nodded her head in agreement and he left. This lead to a relieved sigh. She stood up and went inside the Cafe and into the ladies bathroom to change. Meanwhile, the trio were dumbstruck. They didn't know what to make about the whole situation. It was probably the most awkward looking date that they had ever witnessed. And soon enough, Cuphead called Mugman and told him that the boss needed them for something and they wanted them there toot sweet. And just like that, they were on their way, begrudgingly. And just in time for Joan to come out wearing a white blouse and a tan skirt and of course human form as well.

When she made it out unscathed, she was headed back towards her sister's apartment. But then she got a message from her via telepathic message. "Hey sis, look behind you." Joan turned around and there she was, Josephine. "Did you have fun on your date~?" "Not funny Josie!" "Sorry-sorry, just pulling your wing. Don't get so hot under the collar. And speaking of HOT. Did you notice that he dressed nice for you? You must have left a good impression on him~!" "Yeah, because I was in my beast form. That doesn't mean he likes the other me." "Sis, do you remember when you first met him and gave him your kiss and your promise?" "Yeah? How could I forget?" "Well I've been meaning to tell you this, but ever since the first time that you met him, your aura or "presence" left an impression in his soul and he the same. So now that whenever you are near each other you can feel the "chemistry" between the two of you. Your souls are drawn to each other. In other words, you two are LITERALLY a match made in Heaven. So he feels this way around the human you as well." Joan couldn't believe it. Why didn't she notice this before? Now she felt like an idiot. "So before things get out of hand, you should probably clear things up with him before he starts to think that he has two crushes instead of one." Her sister was right but how was she going to do that without freaking out and he the same? And her boss finding out who she is? "Don't worry about that, sis. Leave the arranging to me."

To be continued...

A New Beginning- A Casino Cups Story {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now