Just Dance!!!(part 1)

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(A/N: this is Joan's ballroom dress. It's kinda, meh. But I tried my best!!! XD)

After a LONG and confusing day, Cuphead was eager to get this overtime at work over with. Apparently, it wasn't his boss that called all four of them in. In fact, when they came into work to discuss what was wrong, their boss just gave a confused look and said, "I don't know what you're guys are talking about. I didn't call you here, but whoever did, did an awesome job of impersonating me! I expected you three to fall for something so stupid like that. But honestly, Dice, I'm a little surprised that you fell for it. You're senses might be getting a little dull their buddy. Ha!" So the four of them were assigned overtime work for falling for something that, to the boss, was a pretty classic and easy prank. They were pretty much irritated by this. Whoever fooled them was either a very clever and talented prankster or they didn't want them to figure out something. (In this case it was the latter, but Josephine has been know to be very mischievous).

While the four worked overtime in the lobby and dining area, Joan was in her room going over all the information that was provided to her by Josephine. Apparently when Josephine was singing by her bay window seat, Dice wasn't the only one that heard her voice. Rumors soon spread like wildfire that there was a singing Angel of Allamac Street. The rumors even reached the ears of the Isles' famous recording company. They sent one of their agents to investigate. And when they found out who was singing, they asked Josephine if she would be interested in signing with them. She at first hesitated but when she thought it over, she agreed. I mean she returned the dagger to its proper place and her supervisors hadn't assigned any missions to her in a while. This was her chance to have a normal life like a mortal. So she later told her supervisors that she would have someone taking over her duties for a while. Remarkably, they agreed to the change of pace. Mainly because God said it was ok, but also because they thought that they had been overworking her for a while. And she would have chances to keep an eye out for her sister and provide backup if things went south at her "job". So Josephine was now an up and coming star of Inkwell Isle!

Also, due to her reputation, she and a select number of guests were invited to a charity ball held at the town hall. The charity was for services and money to be provided for the orphaned children of Nigeria. And for the potential orphans to be adopted by a good and a financially stable family. A couple of the bosses of the charity and orphaned children were to be the representatives for their cause. And hopefully some of those children would be able to find a potential family. So in order for Josephine's reputation to flourish as a star was to sing for and greet the children representatives. And also to build strong relationships with influential and famous individuals.

The reason why Josephine was dragging Joan into this was because she could use this chance to finally fulfill the promise that she made to Cuphead all those years ago. Plus, Josephine wanted to take a closer look at this "Mr. King Dice" for herself to see why he's so well regarded. Besides his position as the right hand man of the Devil, his charming voice and those eyes....... she knew next to nothing about him. She only ever felt this way for one other person in her life and that was eons ago. Only this time, this feeling was stronger and more desperate. She wanted to know this feeling, and she was determined to figure it out. So reluctantly, Joan agreed to her crazy scheme and was given strict instructions on what to wear for the event. She took one look at what she was given to wear and sighed. "Well at least this time she accommodated to my wants and needs."

Hours later, Josephine came strutting in the lobby wearing a sparkly royal purple "Hollow Out Lace Dress Low Collar Halter Long Sleeve Crochet  Dress". (For visuals look it up on Google images). This dress had the classic leg showing sewn-in tear into the left side and the length of the dress was a tad bit longer that almost touched the floor. The ends of it elegantly curled in a way that showed how strong it was. The dress also hugged slightly around her body to show the curves to her hour Glass shaped body. Her hair was let down and styled with strong and flowing curls that drapped the frame of her face. Her make-up and jewelry choices were also done quite elegantly. Not too much but just enough to catch a certain someone's eye. And she wore dark and shiny royal purple stelleto heels, (which she pulled off quite well and as far as the balancing goes, she rocked it like it was a pair of tennashoes). She also wore purple ballroom gloves with a few rings to grace her slender fingers. She was shining to the point where even in a casino filled with glitz, glam, bright lights and loud noises that she still stuck out like a sore thumb. She wore her sunglasses to avoid any unnecessary eye contact and to shield her eyes from the bright lights from the casino games.

"E-excuse me ma'am? May I help you with something?" Mugman was nervously trying to ask her if he could assist her in any way. Though she was pretty, Josephine also held a certain dignity for herself that sometimes intimidated others. Although in this casino, intimidation was your best bet and weapon to use against some of its patrons and even the employees. "Ah, yes! I'm just waiting for someone. Can you go see if they're ready?" "Sure! Who're you waiting for? Is it one of the players or one of our employees?" "An employee and um, I have something for your brother. Can you make sure he gets changed into this fast please?" "Ummm.....sure. Do we know you ma'am? Because it feels like I know you from somewhere." "Oh, I'm sure you do. But for now can you please give the suit to your brother?" "Uhhhh.....o-k?" As he left, Josephine couldn't help but pull a little smile as she stared at Mugman giving his brother the rental tux with a red bowtie. It had been a while since she had seen her best friend from her childhood. Sure Joan and Cuphead might've been childhood sweethearts, but her and Mugman were practically like siblings. They both shared the same interests in various subjects and both cared for their siblings dearly. Her smile seemed a bit sad as she remembered the past of her once happy childhood.

Despite her intimidating aura she was still one of the most gorgeous women in the room. Which lead to some of the male customers and employees to surround her trying to see if one of them can get lucky. Josephine of course just rolled her eyes especially at the employee that resembled a cowboy. He seemed the most intent on trying to win her over, especially when he started to ramble on about his "adventures" out in the West. She thought to herself, "When is Joan coming out?! I mean, I know about being "Fashionably Late" but this is ridiculous! I don't think I can take much more of this!" As her patience was running dangerously thin, a familiar voice spoke up. "Alright gentlemen back to what you were doing. Don't you see you're bugging her?" She turned around to see King Dice shooing away the group of men that surrounded her. "Nice to see you again, miss....?" "Josephine. Josephine Mauve Star. And I'm guessing you're Mr. King Dice?"

Earlier he saw the commotion and asked Mugman about it. "Well a very pretty lady just showed up and apparently she's waiting for one of the employees. You know, I can't help but feel like I've seen her somewhere before, she kinda almost looks like Joan. But even I can tell that she's completely different from her. Do you think that they might be related?" Once Dice had a clear view of her face he immediately became amazed and enamored with her. So he stepped up and shooed away the pests, especially Chips. He had finally met her, Joan's twin sister. Josephine, what a beautiful name! And he couldn't help notice that she was dressed in all royal purple, (even her make-up), his signature color.  Even her middle name was the color purple. "I've noticed that you seem fond of the color purple." She blushed a slight red around her cheeks and said sheepishly, "Y-yeah, it's my favorite color. Thanks for doing that by the way. I was about to....." Then she noticed that his eyes had turned green. This was the second time that he had done this with her. Why was that? "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you have a really nice shade of green in your eyes." King Dice flinched back. He didn't realize that she would notice his low volume of his magic eyes so soon. He wanted to know what was her inner desires and sins, but when she spoke up about his eyes, he stopped immediately. "Oh, um, yes, thank you. Their from my mother's side of the family?" He wanted to palm his face when he said that. He knew he couldn't say the real reason he had these eyes but that excuse was just ridiculous. "Oh, I see. They're very nice." Dice couldn't help but make a small chuckle at what she said. "So, miss Josephine. Who're you waiting for?" "Oh, I'm waiting for a relative of mine. She should be out here by now. And please, call me Josie, if you would."  Josie, what a cute nickname! She only keeps getting better and better by the second.

Soon enough, Joan came out wearing a dress similar to Josephine's but with minor differences. Her dress was a nice shade of ruby red and that red lace covered the front of her chest. And though she had lace sleeves like her sister's, hers was a bit looser. They appeared more like an Arabian dancers' styled sleeves. Her dress didn't hug her curves but flowed elegantly loose and the only indication of her showing any curves was the red silken scarf-like sash that was tied around her midsection. The length of the dress was the same but there was no sewn-in tear nor sparkles and wore no gloves. And instead of heels she wore ruby red strapped sandals. She arranged her hair in the hair style of #5 Buns and Pin Curls written by Shannel Mariano. (Which you can find the image at latest-hairstyles.com). She also wore red make-up to match her dress. It wasn't much but since Joan hardly wore make-up at all, people noticed it right off the bat. She was a true gem. Something that Cuphead had noticed after he gotten done changing. His feelings for her that he had before shot through the roof and blushed a deep crimson. "W-w-wow, Joan. That's some get up you're in. By the way, do you know why I'm in this monkey suit?" She couldn't help but giggle at what he said. "Yeah, I do. I'll fill you in at what's going on."

To be continued...

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