Just Dance!!! (part 2)

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The atmosphere was tense and a bit awkward as the four of them, all decked out in their best clothes, were driving in Josephine's company's limo. It was only a half hour ago that Joan semi-explained what was happening to the Cup brothers and the casino crew. At first, Cuphead refused to go and tried to get out of his dashing monkey suit. But then his boss snapped his claw like fingers to use his magic to redress Cuphead. "Oh, no. You're not ditching out on this party. It's both you and Dice's jobs to make this casino more attracting to those sympathetic and selfish fat cats. Normally I would just leave it to Dice alone to do the job. And yes, having YOU tag along of all people to represent the casino is taking a HUGE risk. But it's time to broaden your horizons and make you somewhat capable of a decent job. Just think of this as one of those learning field trips. Only if you screw up I'll deduct your pay for the next 6 months and I'll personally throw you into one of my pits in Hell!" Cuphead gulped then looked at Joan who had the look of a sad puppy who had been rejected. Cuphead couldn't help that pang of guilt upon the realization that he unintentionally turned her down to go out on a date. He wanted to smack himself in the head for not realizing what he did. Then he had an idea. It was a stretch, but maybe....."Heh. Don't worry boss. Me and Dice will make ya proud! Especially if we're being escorted by these lovely ladies. Also, I'm pretty sure that if I do something stupid by accident; Joan will snap me out of it. Right Joan?"

She flushed a light crimson red when he said that she was lovely. And that she was being so highly regarded and relied on by Cuphead felt amazing. "Y-Yeah, definitely! I'll keep an eye on him! If I see him screw up on anything I'll fix it!" It was a little hard to believe her with that flustered look on her face and the shakiness in her voice. The Devil raised a brow then shrugged his shoulders like he didn't give a crud. "Just make sure he doesn't go on a drunken rampage. Again." He narrowed his eyes and glared at Cuphead when he said "again". Cuphead nervously smiled then saluted to him to indicate that he was clear on the subject.

It didn't take too long for Dice to get changed into one of his fancy royal purple suits. Only this one was different from the others that he wore. It was not only royal purple but it also had pieces of gold trim around the tux area and on his sleeves. And instead of a bowtie, he wore a gold tye. (For reference on how it looks like go to Zaraegis- Finale- a King Dice lyric comic. His design, not mine.) He looked absolutely splendid! Josephine, though looked cool as ice, deep down she couldn't help but feel like her body was hot as lava with the feeling that could only be described as LOVE. As they walked out of the casino, they saw the shiny limo pull up front. Which, in all its glory, wowed Cuphead with stars in his eyes. He questioned/begged Josephine if there was going to be alcohol in the limo while they were being driven. Josephine looked over to Joan and then at King Dice with a look that said, "Is it a good idea for me to let him drink the white wine that's in the limo?" To which their silent reply was, "NO!" And now we return to the present with the awkward silence that hung in the enclosed air that was within the limo. While Josephine gently sipped her drink, she suddenly thought of an ice breaker.

"You know Cuphead, Joanie over there has a fantastic singing voice! She always did. Ever since she was small. In fact, I asked my director if she could do a duet with me on stage at the charity ball!" That little tibbit failed to be mentioned to Joan when they were discussing the plans. "I'M DOING WHAT?!!!" Both Cuphead, Dice, and the driver jumped when she screamed this. Which caused the limo to swerve to and fro until it was stabilized. Josephine only flinched while tightly closing her eyes till Joan stopped screaming. This revelation lead to a telepathic argument between the two sisters. Joan being the one mostly doing the arguing and yelling. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I THOUGHT WE HAD AN AGREEMENT THAT I WOULD JUST BE A GUEST! NOT ONE OF YOUR SINGING PARTNERS!" "I'm sorry! I meant to tell you, but I thought if I did, you wouldn't come~!" "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DRAGGED ME INTO ONE OF YOUR SHENANIGANS THAT HAS ONE OF YOUR HIDDEN AGENDAS! AGAIN!!!". "Sorry~!!!!! But can you do it this one time? For me? For Cuphead?" She glared at her sister then her attention went towards Cuphead, he had nothing but curiosity in his eyes and a cute smile that just screamed vibes of one that was eager to find out something. Her look softened and then telepathically said to sister, "Fine! But if you pull something like this without my consent again; you're SO done for! Hear me?!" Her sister gulped nervously and nodded real slowly, "Yes."

Soon enough the limo pulled up front of town hall along with the other limos. And as Josephine stepped out, cameras were flashing, screams of the fans and cat calls from the perverts were made and of course the annoying reporters were all around her. The only thing separating them were the big burly bee police guards that were assigned to protect the celebrities at tonight's party. Josephine put on her sunglasses to protect her eyes from the flashes of the cameras, then turned around and held out her hand for Dice to take. He was a little taken aback by this. But regardless, he took it and slowly stepped out of the car. What she did next had himself even more surprised. She had linked her arm around his while still tightly holding his hand. And while they were walking down the red carpet, there was this frazzled looking reporter wearing a white blouse and black mid-length skirt and a pair of black flats. Her shiny black hair was relatively long with a single braided ponytail. And just like Joan, she wore thick glasses that hardly showed what her eyes looked like at all. And like Joan, she wore them for the purpose of disguise. She needed them to see of course, but she purposely had them designed like that. Mainly for the purpose of keeping a low profile and because she was very shy. Kinda contradicting for a reporter. But underneath all of that, she had the most the most unique and beautiful eyes. Her left eye was a golden brown while her right was a bright forest green. She also had cute thick freckles across the bridge of her nose and had a cute dimple of a chin. When she was a child she had been teased by the boys in her neighborhood about being a freakish looking girl. She held in her all her emotions as she was focused on her one goal. Getting an interview with the Isles' newest star!

"If I could get an interview with Miss Star, then certainly boss will raise my pay check! The sooner I get the money, the better." As she said this, she opened her small gold locket around her neck. In the locket was a small picture of her, her brother and her mother. Her mother had been sick for a while and her brother was attending college overseas. With both of the payments of medical bills and school fees she had to work numerous jobs just to get by. So if she got a raise in payment, then surely she could afford better treatment for her mother and more supplies for her brother. The only thing was, was that there was the huge and impenetrable looking wall of other reporters and fans. She tried numerous times to get through, but was only met with her butt landing on the ground. She huffed in frustration then realized something. She could always sneak in. She traveled to the back of the building and noticed the lack of security employees and cameras protecting the back entrance. She was wondering if there was some sort of plan afoot. But it just turned out that it was a lousy security guard's break time and the security's funds were short so they couldn't install cameras. Either way, she carefully snuck in and searched from hall to hall to find the party. But to no avail, she was officially lost. "What do I do now?!"

While all this was going on, the four "celebrities" entered the ballroom, sat at their tables, ordered something to eat and drink. (Joan, making sure that Cuphead didn't have too much of either of them), and decided to mingle with the other celebs that were at the party. Joan made sure to keep an eye on Cuphead to make sure he didn't do something stupid. (Which was a challenge in and of itself). A few hours of this went by and Joan was already feeling exhausted. She loved Cuphead but he had WAY too energy. But then, she noticed that they had already started the dances. Then out of the blue, Cuphead came from behind her and sheepishly asked, "W-w-would you like to dance?" As he said this he held out his hand for her to take while looking away and blushing a deep red across his cheeks. She blushed as well then smiled, "Yes, yes I would." Soon enough, she took his hand and the both of them headed to the dance floor. "Do you even know how to slow dance Cuphead?" "Ehhh, not really. Could you guide me through it?" She giggled, and said, "Of course." As they slow danced, she guided him one step at a time but yet making it look not suspicious that it was his first time slow dancing. They quitely talked back and forth getting to know one another, but of course, on Joan's end, didn't reveal TOO much. Not quite yet.

To be continued...

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