The Sister Arrives (part 2)

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As she played the last of her guitar solo and sang the last of the lyrics, a sudden applause came out of nowhere and somewhat made her jump out of her seat. When she came back to reality from being on cloud 9 with her music. She realized that she was surrounded by people of all sorts, applauding her talents. She, of course, still couldn't completely see, but she could tell that she and the charming sounding stranger weren't the only ones anymore. Soon enough, she started to hear stuff being dropped in her guitar case. She then realized that it was coins that were being flung in and since she couldn't hear properly, she desperately hoped that they were throwing in dollar bills as well. Josephine couldn't wait for the spell to wear off. Just seeing nothing but white spaces for her surroundings and grey human shaped blobs for the people around her was getting on her last nerves. She was one of those people that if she can't see it, then it's not there or doesn't exist. Then, as she was about to check to see, (with her hands), how much was thrown in, the stranger then picked up the case and gathered up the money and neatly put it all in order.

"Well, well, well~..... It looks like you've earned yourself a pretty penny!" She was about to ask him if he could count how much she had, but it looked like that was already done before she could ask him. "You're total so far is about 100,000 dollars." She was about to ask how that was even possible, when~ she was cut off again. "You have about 1,000 dollars from these lovely people here. And I gave you about 99,000 dollars. Say miss? What DO you plan on using this much money for?" She didn't know it, but this sweet talking southern like gentleman was staring at her with bright green glowing eyes. And little did she know, this wasn't his natural eye color but the result of his powers to stare into a person's inner being. Seeing from their true personalities, their inner most desires, to their souls. He once actually tried this ability on his boss out of curiosity, and all he got as a result was a pair of eyes staring right back at him. But other than his boss, nobody else was able to do that. But when he looked closer into her soul, he at first saw a beautiful and bright luminescent ball of pure white light. Which at first, he thought it was her soul, but then he noticed that the ball of light started to change colors and somewhat of it's form. He had a perplexed look on his face, but regardless, he stared deeper seeing if he can find her weak and greedy side. But when he increased his stare along with his powers, the ball seemed to burst! Then it formed itself into the form of a young woman. It was Josephine's ethereal form, and it almost looked other-wordly, but in a good way. She was sitting up straight, her eyes were closed and her hands were on her lap which were folded very delicately. She was colored in total ghostly white radiating various colors of the rainbow. But only a deep red glow remained in the middle of her chest. She didn't look like she was paying attention to him. He honestly didn't really know what to do in this situation.

Josephine then realized that a pair of eyes were staring at her very intensely. She assumed that it was the stranger. He did give her a lot of money. She figured that since he asked that question, he would want to know if she could handle the responsibility of managing that much cash. She knew it was next to impossible to look in his eyes with certainty with how bad her eyes were. But nevertheless, she turned around, breathed in and out slowly, and using what spiritual power she had stored for emergencies, opened her eyes slowly and asserted herself. She replied, "Sir, though I cannot see you completely, and I know that I can't possibly ever repay you with how things are for me (financially speaking). Though I do like to express my gratitude for your your compliments, money, and generosity." While she was talking, he continued to stare at her soul in amazement. Mostly because when she turned around towards him and opened her eyes; her soul's eyes opened. The eyes were completely black except for her iris's. They, like her sister's eyes, were a piercing icy blue that seemed to stare right into your soul. Those eyes stared right back at him with just as much intensity as he was giving off. He couldn't take his eyes off her even if he wanted to. Her eyes were giving him a strong and comforting squeezing sensation throughout his entirety and wished that she would keep staring into his entire being for as long as she could. Which his hope was, for as long as he lived. He never felt this sensation before, he wanted more of it, and unknowingly increased his powers and stared harder at her. Josephine then noticed that amongst the white and gray colors, there was this overwhelmingly bright emerald green light. When she squinted and tried to adjust her eyes, she noticed that the green light was coming from the strangers pupils. She never knew that mortals had the power to make their eyes glow like she and her sister could do. The glow was strong, hot, and intense and it never once wavered. She stared at them for what seemed like an eternity, it was so mesmerizing that she couldn't bare to look away. Once she came to her senses, she felt a bit awkward and thought numerous questions like, "Why look so intensely and intently at me? Do I have something on my face? Is seeing a human that strange? I thought there was humans still living on Inkwell Isle?"

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