Just Dance!!! (part 4)

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As Joan was making her way to the restrooms, she suddenly sensed a very malicious but familiar aura. She started to worry.

She turned around.

Nothing and no one was there. She decided to shrug it off. She figured it was just her nerves getting to her. She later found the restrooms and took care of what she had to do. As she washed her hands, she looked up at the mirror and thought to herself, "Does this makeup really make me look more pretty and feminine?"

Throughout her childhood, she had always been told that she was more of a tomboy for the way that she acted with her mannerisms and for her boyish personality.

Her family tried their best to teach her proper manners of a young lady, and it somewhat worked but not totally. As Joan grew older and wiser, she knew what she had to do in certain situations where she had to apply these manners and when she can go off on certain pricks that tried to take advantage of her or her loved ones. Mostly involving her younger twin sister.

Josephine was the more feminine and girly one out of the two of them. But when it came to certain emergencies, she would do the most drastic things for Joan. Going to the battlefield, hardcore undercover missions, and yes, even biting a werewolve's neck. She would do it all for her sister. These two sisters stuck to each other like glue and was loyal to each other like they were the only ones that they could rely upon. And soon this sisterly love would be tested.

Joan sighed, dried her hands, and as she exited the bathroom, a hand suddenly lunged at the wall only to miss her face by only by a mere inch.

She froze as she stared dead in the eyes of an older but all to familiar furry face of a werewolf. "Who-who are y---"

Before she finished her question he replied, "How DARE you!!!"

"P-pardon me?"

"How dare you brats come back to the isle after all these years and then take the one thing that gave me joy!" He snarled.

"S-sir, I have no idea what you're saying. Are you perhaps intoxicated?" She nervously asked in her cracked British accent.

"I ain't drunk if that's what you're asking me. I'll make this quick, so listen up! After your little clone bit me on the neck on that day, I swore to find you two pricks and repay you double of the pain that you cost me!" He growled loudly.

"Listen, I'm sorry that my sister bit you. But you were either too hot tempered or you were so drunk that you were beyond to be reasoned with! I'm sorry that put a bruise to your ego!" She commented snidely.

"Oh, it wasn't just pride that you brats shattered." He narrows his eyes on her.

Joan was confused at what he meant by this. What did he mean? What else did they mess up in his life? Besides pride and possibly the back of his neck being broken?

"I'll tell you what happened after that "incident". You see, back then, I was the leader of a gang. My subordinates looked up to me and my enemies feared me for being the toughest guy on the streets. But ever since that day that I was put in the hospital for a child's bite, all that respect and fear vanished in the blink of an eye! It took me over a decade to rebuild all that back up again!" He then smirked to himself.

"Fortunately, me and my son were able to rebuild a stronger gang. So strong in fact, that it became a mafia! Soon, I was going places all over the world. But I never forgot that day. So I did my research on you gals. And I was only able to gather information about where you lived on the isle and who was related to ya. But after a year, it seemed as though you girls vanished off the face of the Earth! I thought that was it. That I would never get my sweet revenge. That was until I got word that my son was caught by YOUR boss and is probably in a whole world of pain right now!" He clenched his teeth so tight that it seemed like he was going to crack them at any second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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