Note on the Update for 9/04/2020

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Helloooo guyssss

Okk so yesss I am in the middle of writing the Updateeee and as I am writing it...i thought of putting up this Note saying - that i think i want to Post the Part of the Entire live chat as a Stand Alone Chapter and then shift to writing about Khushi finally getting on the plane and the rest of the day that follows after - in the Next chapter - since that bit is such a important milestone for Our Sunshine!! And because I want to do Justice to the Scenes in my Head too - I think it shall be fair enough to post today's Chapter as a Stand Alone about the live chat and everything - so as for better Impacttt!!!

So guys basically this one Day is kind off getting split into Three Chapters now as in the one I posted previously with the morning half...the one I will post later this evening and then the next one Too - but important to do so...because this day is very significant in so so many ways!

So I hope you all are ok with that right????

Please let me knowww!!!

And yess like I mentioned last chapter - that this FF has now steered towards the Last leg so I meant that in my head according to the outline I have planned we are now starting to proceed towards the closure but in my head roughly right now it feels I might need ten more chapters in my words until that closure time....but you all know meee it will get extended a little more incase my words keep flowing until in my heart I am satisfied that yes now it's time to write out that Closureee for it has to feel right in my like I said I write as I go so it's not like I have the End Written yes it might get little extended over the ten chapters I mentioned(.like for now today's instance when I am splitting one day into three posts..the chapter number will go up but this will actually be a part of the same day plot) and hence will not have a rushed impact on the rest of the flow of the story because I dont mean just ten chapters more only like to the T.

That was just a rough rest assured guys that I shall not end this abruptly or rush it through..but at the same time I do want to keep it as intriguing too until the very end and not have it seem stretched or boring too you guys too since this Story is so so close to my heart...I would never want any of you readers to feel bored or feel that it's being stretched a lot! If any of you ever feel that way...please let me know...for constructive opinions that will help me improve as a writer are always welcome!!!!


Also surely guys like I said even though this is that last stretch there is a lot lot to come please stay with me like you always do!!!

Thank you so so much for all the time and love and support always guys!!

I shall give an update todayyy late evening or a little before Midnight ..but definetly todayyy!

Thanks guys..please Stay in and Stay Safe

Much Love

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