Chapter 20

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It was the next week Sunday.
Riley and Maya were busy getting ready for the big gender reveal as Riley had no idea how everyone was going to react.
She thought she was going to be surprised but she was also not as much as she thought.
Riley thought for sure she would freak out but for now she was very okay with everything.

"You excited Miss sixteen weeks?" Maya asked.
"Don't judge. You are twenty-four weeks so you are much further. I am excited," Riley said.
"I'm glad. And don't judge me. Me and my daughters age definitely not that bad. They are actually growing a lot and I don't know how I am so big ag this stage I'd the pregnancy," Maya said as Lucas and Josh came in.

"Okay let's see why I couldn't go along," Lucas said as Maya smiled.
"You wanted to be surprised," Maya said.
"And I'm sure that I am. How are we doing this?" Lucas said as he sat down.
"Well we have four cakes. Each one represents the babies. Maya is going to cut a piece and put it down on a plate on the table. Let's go," Riley said as everyone sat down.

Maya took a knife and started to cut as she placed it on a plate and back on the table under Baby A.

"Okay, so first one is girl," Lucas said as Maya gave the other cake a cut and placed it under Baby B.
"A boy," Josh said.
"Okay, next one," Riley said as Maya put Baby C's results down.
"Another girl," Cory said smiling as Maya cut the last piece of cake putting it down.
"Boy. Two boys and two girls? This is fantastic," Lucas said giving Riley a kiss.

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