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Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
Mom gave me this journal to record how my junior year goes. She says by next year, I'll be more than just sad to be graduating. She told me that it's good to do things like this because you're recording memories to look back on, that you might have forgotten.

So here goes nothing ~

Just a few minutes ago, Changbin stepped on my new shoes. I almost swung at him but mom started yelling. These shoes are the most expensive thing I've owned in my life, and I bought them with my own money. I have to clean them up before we leave for school. Today is the first day of school if you can't tell by the date. I'm excited but at the same time I'm nervous to see what's his face. I shall never write down his name because if Changbin finds this, he will tourure me for the rest of my life. I can't risk it. Anyway, I've got to go... until next time, future me.

I closed my journal and slipped it in my bag.

"You know, when I was your age, your uncle never left me alone. He was the most annoying person I'd met. But now that I look back at those days, I'm so glad he was because I love him even more now"

"There's a difference between younger and older brothers, mom. Bin is supposed to be protective and fun, not annoying like he's 6"

"I'm not annoying. I just add extra flavor to your life", he said as he walked into the kitchen. I eyed his choice of clothing today, not much different than usual. Typical black hoodie, black jeans, Vans, and a beanie. I'm surprised mom hasn't started counseling him. 

"No, what you do is-"

"Okay kids, enough. I have a super early appointment with a client today, so Binnie please drive your sister to school. Don't drop her off 2 blocks away like last time"

He shot a glare at me, "You promised me you wouldn't tell her".

I shrugged my shoulders and smirked. "That's what you get" I whispered under my breath. Don't get my wrong, Binnie is not a bad brother, but he can just be so...AHH. If you know what I mean. He's just a regular teenage boy I guess.


On our way to school, the sound of Changbin's ringtone filled the car. The car screen read
"Incoming call: Drug Dealer".

My head turned to my brother who was about to hit the green pick up botton.

"Who the hell-" I thought to myself.

"Yo" Changbin shouted.

"Meet us by the cafeteria"

"Bet. I'll be there in five" then the call disconnected.

I felt a lot better knowing who that was isn't his drug dealer. It was the guy I was talking about earlier, what's his face. He's my brother's sorta best friend. They just started hanging out last year. It takes a while for my brother to put a label on anything. He didn't start calling me his sister until we were 12.

After getting out of the parked car, we both walked our separate ways. I headed to my locker which I've had since freshman year. My first class is Chem, which is two doors down from my locker. I emptied my books into the familiar rectangular box. I kept my Chem notebook and my journal in my bag. I walked into class to see my close friend Olivia. I sat down next to her. She moved here freshman year from Canada. We clicked pretty quickly, but she has the biggest crush on my brother. She just doesn't know that I know. She makes it the most obvious thing ever.

I pulled out my journal and began to write.

First period has been boring so far. Thankfully, I haven't seen what his face. There is no way I could face him, looking like thi-

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