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𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 : 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮
𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓷


Wednesday September 4th, 2020
It's currently 5th period. I can't get what's his face out of my mind. I'm stressing over tonight. I'm nervous. I don't know what to wear and I'm contemplating posting on Instagram, because he'll see it. And after him calling me shy yesterday, I want to add that to my goals.

Things I want/Goals
- 9/2/2020 I want what's his face to notice me
- 9/3/2020 I want to gain self-confidence ;)
- 9/4//2020 I want to be less shy around him

After school, Olivia and I walked to my house to get ready for the movies. I made mountains of cloths on my closet floor while I tried to find an outfit that was just right for the occasion.

Without being able to search through my tons of clothes, I sat back and sighed. "Olivia, could you just pick something out for me?"

"Sure" she hopped off my bed and eyed the clothes that were left on the hangers. "Oou! This one!" she reached for my brown polka-dot shirt/skirt.

"Not bad, not bad" I smiled. "What time is it?"

"4:27. We've got to be quick. The movie starts at 6"

I rushed to put on my clothes. Olivia quickly did my messy hair and snapped some pictures for me.


By 5:15, we were in the car, on our way to pick up what's his face. Olivia forced me to sit in the back. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about sitting so close to him.

"Hellooo?" he said as he got into the back seat. Then Changbin started talking to him about something I was too distracted to pay attention to.

Through the reflection of the window, I admired his side profile. The sun kissed his skin lightly, allowing him to glow. His white hair slowly became tousled by the slightly open window. His vanilla aroma became a familiar scent. Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran was playing on the radio, but it's volume was low. I focused on his small shoulder movements to the song that played in the background. Every move he made, he put more force into it.

"Bro turn this up!" he tapped Changbin on his shoulder and so he did. I smiled at how freely he moved. He moved with such grace. He gradually calmed his motion and was back to just a head bop.

"I think I love you a little more now"


While what's his face and Changbin paid for our tickets, Olivia and I went to get popcorn.

"Are you gonna force me to sit next to him again?"

"It's not like you won't like it" she winked.

"Olivia, you know how I am around him" I whispered.

"You've got to loosen up. Stop being so shy!" She smacked my back. I winced in annoyance.


During the movie, I was in between Changbin on my left and what's his face on my right. Olivia sat at the end next to my brother. Not much happened accept for us occasionally touching hands in the popcorn bag. I don't think he found it as awkward as I did, since he lightly smiled each time.

Once the movie finished it was almost 9 o'clock. What's his face offered to buy us dinner, so Binnie couldn't resist.

We decided to go to Steak House. Olivia and Changbin were having a vibrant conversation while I sat back bitting on my lip. What's his face was on his phone, so I didn't dare bother him. I offered to go place the order but Olivia insisted she go because there was a long line, Binnie weirdly followed. I suddenly got the urge to start a conversation.

vrr.vrr.vrr. What's his face's phone began vibrating.

"Excuse me" he said as he pushed back his chair and walked out of my view.

"Well what now?" I slumped down in my chair. I fidgeted with my hands not knowing what to do with myself.

After about 2 minutes, he sat back down. He smiled at me and placed his phone on the table.

"So, you liked the movie?" he asked curiously.

"Don't get me started. I could talk about how fine that main character was, all day" I blurted. He pouted but smiled at the same time.

"Not as fine as me" he whispered, thinking I couldn't hear him. I blushed. He wasn't wrong. "Would you mind taking some pictures of me?" I nodded. "Let's go towards the back"

I took a few pictures of him and surprisingly joked around a little. I never knew I was even remotely funny, but he found everything I said entertaining. His smile and laugh gave me butterflies. It made me happy to see him this way.

"I'll give you photo creds. Don't worry" he joked. Then, I realized I used my phone to take the pictures.

"Should I airdrop them?"

"I'll give you my number, text them to me later" he grabbed my phone. I froze for a second. Not as long as usual. I watched his fingers slowly type on my phone. Or maybe I was just tripping because he typed SLOW. After handing my phone back, he gestured for us to go back to the table.


Later that night, I was finally back in my bed. I stared at my ceiling wondering what I did to deserve the night I had. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him. Even if my eyes closed for a single blink, a flash of him came to mind. I smiled when I thought about the pictures I took of him.

"That reminds me" I grabbed my phone and went into camera roll. Before I could admire him longer, I realized he gave me his number. I quickly opened my contacts app. I scrolled to find a name "Chris" or "Chan". But instead, I came across an abnormally long contact name, one I know I did not put in my phone.

"I'm not giving you back that pencil😋"

I let out an ugly laugh. "He's so cute" I whispered.

I opened messages and sent him his pictures. Not expecting a text back, I put my phone on silent and fell asleep.

what's his face || bang chanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon