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𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 : 3𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓪


Things I want/Goals
- 9/2/2020 I want what's his face to notice me
- 9/3/2020 I want to gain self-confidence ;)
- 9/4//2020 I want to be less shy around him
- 9/5/2020 invite him to the fair
- 9/7/2020 be more...spontaneous
- 9/8/2020 stop regretting everything:)
- 9/10/2020 get him to walk me home
- 9/12/2020 make a "move" on him


"I don't understand why you can't just ask me before you eat my ice cream!" I yelled at Changbin.

"You were sleeping and I finished mine. So..."

"That's not an excuse!", I shoved a spoon of cereal in my mouth.

vrr.vrr. My phone vibrated.

I'll pick you up at
12, if that's fine with
you ;)

"So this is really happening, huh?"

No problem. See you

"It sure is"


After breakfast, I rushed to my room. "I have an hour and a half to get ready" I whispered as I stared at my closet.

"This'll have to do" I grabbed a simple yellow sweatshirt, a black shirt to throw underneath, and jeans. I took my daily steamy shower, making sure to apply the best smelling lotion and perfume after.

I tried to perfect my appearance for at least 30 minutes.

"Jiwoo!" Changbin called from down stairs.

I checked the time on my phone. 11:40. "Hold on!" I yelled back. I stuffed my phone, charger, headphones, and some other essentials into my purse, before scampering down the flight of steps.

As I got to the bottom step, I noticed whats his face standing by the front door, talking to mom. I tried to ignore what she was probably saying to him.

"'Don't hurt her. She's a good girl'. Or 'bring her back by 8'. Maybe even, 'she's a little hard to crack open'" Mom is forced to be both the good and bad cop, she could really be saying anything.

It suddenly got hot. I could feel the sweat under my yellow sweatshirt. "It's not even hot in here" I felt my forehead. "Am I getting sick? Maybe I should stay home"

"There she is" I could feel his eyes on me. "You ready?"

"I'm never ready for you"

"Yep" I smiled.

"Have fun, you two" mom padded my back.

"Right back at you Mrs.S"

"Mrs.S? Seriously?" He opened the door for me when we got to his car. "Perhaps trying to show off in front of mom. I know the drill"

As I sat in the passenger seat, I took deep breaths and counted to ten to keep my nerves calm. Mom taught me these techniques, but I never seem to use them. He turned up the radio which helped me drift away from my jitters. I noticed he was wearing a plain black hoodie. So plain, yet so sexy on him.

"Stop it. You're thinking too much" I tried to draw my attention to what was passing us by outside the car. "But he's so good looking" I peeked back. He was focused on the road, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music.

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