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𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 : 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝐼


September 15th, 2020
Good morning me! Wasn't last night just magical? If you forgot, no we didn't kiss. We just danced. A lot. Detail is hard to remember as time passes, so let's just wrap up our dancing. It was hot. Sweaty. Close. Lustful. And over all just damn sexy. His hands never left my body, not in a sexual way tho you dirty head. It felt like I was in a Step-Up movie, except I can't dance that good. Now, my feet hurt and I'm exhausted, but of course I still have to go to school. Today is Felix's birthday, so they're going out for dinner. What's his face invited me as his date, so we'll see how that goes. Felix doesn't want something big, since last year he had a huge party. Even though I didn't go, EVERYONE was talking about how much fun they had.

vrr. vrr. vrr. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I couldn't just whip it out, because my chem teacher has a strict 'no phone' rule. I snuck it onto my lap as he was facing the board.

hey, cutie
kinda missing you :(

I cheesed, "He melts my heart".

i'm in chem
kinda miss you more

not possible
could I see you?

like a pic?

no, in person

oh okie
i'll ask to use the

I raised my hand, "Mr. Na, may I use the bathroom?". He calmly nodded, so I stuffed my phone back into my back pocket and I waddled myself out of the classroom. "That was quick" I stated as I felt what's his face embrace me from behind. "What's a matter?"

"I just miss you. I was sad when you left last night"

I could have sworn I was on the floor, passed out, but instead my back was against the wall, staring up into his ocean eyes. "I know, but i'm here now"

"I could just kiss you, right now"

"So do it" I teased.

"You want our first kiss to be in a school hallway? Weirdo. It has to be special"

"So last night was special?"

"Like last night?"

"I guess. Maybe you just looked so good, I couldn't help myself"

"Oh, shut up" I pushed his arm.

"I never knew an angel could look so good in such short clothing...uh-ah-ew" he cringed at his own flirty statement.

"I never knew you were so cheesy"

"I'll show you just how cheesy I am" his arms lunged out as if they were going to tickle me.

"There will be none of that, Mr.Bang" an authoritative voice stated. What's his face's posture straightened up and we both faced our principal, Hyunjin's mother, Mrs.Hwang. "Ms.Seo, both your mother and I would greatly appreciate you not skipping your first period class. Normally, I would give detention, but since you are two of my son's friends, I'll let it slide. Just head on back to class"

"Yes, ma'am!" we exclaimed concurrently. As he walked me back to class, he was a smiling mess. "It wasn't that funny. We could've gotten in trouble"

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