Chapter 2- Moonlit Night in the Grand Capital

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Hangzhou has always been a city of scholars and learned men. It didn't matter whether they were talented or mediocre, old or young. All of them sought a place by East Lake to reside. The rich ones built vacation homes and the poor ones built cottages. It wasn't so uncouth that it would offend their titles of "educated men," and at the same time, they could borrow the believed-to-be supernatural atmosphere of East Lake to realise their dreams of fame and fortune.

Situated amongst the big and small residences of well-read though miserly Confucian scholars, at the head of the broken bridge, the master of Baiwen School Bai Xu was a man of slightly notable fame. The Baiwen Society of Poetry headed by said man was the laudably the largest poetry society in all of Jiangnan. Besides the Society, Bai Xu was thoroughly learned in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting([1]), and his pretentious fame from his expertise in engraving([2]) was not subordinate to the fame of contemporarily renowned poetry and literature.

On this fine day, Bai Xu, as usual, ended his class at noon to return to his home by East Lake—The House of Bai.

The moment he stepped through his door, his apprentice([3]) Bai Yuan rushed over. "Teacher, there are guests in the greeting hall waiting for you."

Bai Xu automatically assumed that his guests were here to ask for instruction on literature, so dismissed indifferently, "Tell them to wait. I'll be down right after I change."

But Bai Yuan didn't nod and leave. Instead, he stared back with fright in his eyes.

"What is it? Why don't you go to send on my word?" Bai Xu asked, slightly puzzled.

Bai Yuan quietly leaned over and whispered in his teacher's ear, "Teacher, please hurry to greet the guests. They've been waiting for the entire morning, and their tempers are quite big..."

Seeing that Bai Xu still wore an expression of unwillingness, Bai Yuan added in a low voice, "The guests all have weapons..."

The colour instantaneously drained from Bai Xu's face. Though he had gained slight fame, he was far below the high standing of Hangzhou's wealthy elitists, nor did he have any deeply vengeful enemies lying in wait. He really couldn't imagine what these armed people would be here for.

Then, quickly hiding his shock, he said to Bai Yuan, "Come with me to the greeting hall."

Hurrying to the greeting hall, Bai Xu made out the figures of three tall, well-built men with unpleasant expressions, standing or sitting down. A young man donned in robes of fine, grey silk with a long sword strapped to his waist sat upright in the guest's seat. To his left stood a middle-aged man dressed as a strategic advisor([4]), and there was also a servant around eighteen or nineteen standing behind the young man—quite obviously a follower.

Seeing Bai Xu rushing over in hurried steps, the young man rose to his feet, and the man dressed as an advisor followed suit. Bai Xu was ascertained of his presumption—this young man was to be his main guest today.

The moment he reached the main hall, the young man came up to greet him. "Teacher([5]) Bai, please don't be alarmed by our arrival. We simply took the liberty of visiting."

Only upon close encounter did Bai Xu discover that this young man was actually exceptionally handsome. Oval face, and underneath two long eyebrows that neared his temple, a pair of spirited, large eyes that seemed to dance with bright sparks. The sword strapped to his strong, slender figure was clearly one above normal worth. Ah, so this must be what is called "the wulin hero", Bai Xu thought.

Returning his greeting with a nod, Bai Xu sat down in the host's seat and turned to Bai Yuan. "Why haven't you gone to pour some tea-"

But before he could finish, he was interrupted by the young man. "Teacher Bai, there's no need. I'm here today because there's something I need to ask of you..."

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