Chapter 16

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But Lu Cang clearly didn't appreciate his kindness. After being in dazed for a moment, he quickly got the clear understanding of the circumstances. --- He got up and sat on the bed. His eyes didn't even want to spare a glimpse at Jing, rather, he changed his focus to look at the bed interior.

"Where are Cao Xin and the others?" He asked.

"I have them sent to Hangzhou." It was rare for Jing to be this honest, probably because he could clearly see the weary look on Lu Cang's face.

Lu Cang grabbed the tossed on the bed side's clothes and put them on. Without even looking at Jing, headed to the door was all he cared for.

"Where do you go?" Jing lost his temper and got angry. He was fully aware that his patience was already pushed to the limit. He stood and blocked the way to the door, asking with a rigid tone.

"I want to go back to Hangzhou." Lu Cang went straight to the door, without caring that Jing blocking the way, so he ended up bumped against Jing's bosom.

Jing quickly used both of his hands to hold and hug Lu Cang : "You are not allowed to go anywhere. Behave and obediently stay here."

His hands busily stroke Lu Cang's back to comfort him.--- This was Lu Cang's favorite. Everytime Jing did this to him, he couldn't help but groan happily.

However, this time, Lu Cang was disgusted, he dodged and moved sideways, slid and freed himself from that bosom.

"Don't touch me! Just go and hold on to your crown."

Jing, who had never seen this kind of disgust on Lu Cang's bright eyes, stunned for a moment. Unconsciously, he let Lu Cang slid from his embrace.

Both of them were staring at each other eyes as if looking at a stranger. At long last, Jing sighed and softened his tone : "Xiao Cang, don't be senseless, alright? I realize that my punishment earlier was a little bit too far, I can't blame you if you are angry. But you really did make me lost face, made me unable to back down with good grace in front of my subject. Please, don't be like this, okay?"

If only not because of his mouth was hurting like hell because of the tongue broken skin, since long ago Lu Cang would have let loose a torrent of abusive words.

But for now, he could only pick the pithiest word to utter : "Get lost!"

His eyes was very frigid. Jing suddenly missed and yearned for the former Lu Cang from these previous days : From the days that no matter how angry he was at Jing, his eyes that gazed at Jing would always have this un-extinguish blaze.--- His eyes that filled with love blended with longing desire could always make Jing certain of his love.

But at this very moment..... Lu Cang's eyes was all sober and calm, clear and bright, as if that small seed of fire had died out.

"No!!" Jing started to panic. He was flustered. However, he still restrained himself, not to profess an apology.

He charged at Lu Cang and pressed him on the bed. His hand was groping and caressing Lu Cang's sensitive buttocks.

"If you want to do it, then just do it! But don't imagine that it's possible for me to forgive you!" Lu Cang was laying down, straight, cold and all stiff. Jing lost his interest at once to see Lu Cang acting all cold and stiff.

"What exactly do you want?!" Jing finally exploded. He yelled and crawled up from Lu Cang's body. --- Although Lu Cang supposed to be doing his utmost to restrain himself, nevertheless, the caressing action just now evidently had stirred up the pain on his mouth wound. Even if he resisted with great difficulty not to cry out, his eyes was turning white as if cying out the pain.

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