Chapter 14

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Everybody was actually living happily at Mount Lu Cang. Leisurely and carefree, unrestrained and unrestricted. Because of he willfully wanted them to come with him to Dong An, he had caused them to forfeit their freedom. In his heart, he knew, to be this despicable man subject was....


Overwhelmed by hatred made Lu Cang unable to ponder further over the consequences. :

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood! Today, I, Lu Cang, will let that Zhang know that my brothers are not someone he can mess with. Before, I let him off was only because I took him as a well educated dog... Hmph! But since this dog had bitten people, don't blame me if I screw and twist this dog's head!"

Once he made up his mind, he also was no longer hesitating :

"Brothers, you all quickly get things ready. Everybody head to south first, find a place to hide yourselves. I will go settle things with this deserve to die dog before I join up with all of you. This son of bitch noble title, I quit!" (t/n : Lu Cang called himself 老子 ( Lao Zi ) literally means : father. Lu Cang used this to indicate that he is the leader (a father figure) of the gang.)

To emphasis his determination, he ripped off his official apparel which had an exquisite embroidery of flowers and plants pattern on it from his body and threw it to the ground. From his waist, he pulled out a seven feet long green sword. His eyes had resumed its wildness radiant just like the former days.

"Big Brother! Good! Since long ago, I couldn't stand to see you being pushed around by that damned emperor. Looking at you bending down and compromising, it makes me unable to recognize you.

Today, I finally understand. Big Brother is still Big Brother. Still our excellent leader. Big Brother is going to sacrifice himself, how come we brothers let you go alone. We naturally will go together with Big Brother to find that little dog Zhang and settle our accounts with him. After that, we can go south together. Who cares about the emperor! Who cares about the nobility! Wherever our Big Brother go, we will follow forth. If he wants to go wild, then just go wild. If he wants to flattened people, just beat them to pulp, right?!"

Cao Xin laughed out loud. He also ripped off his upper layer of official robe and held it in his hand. The brothers followed his example and one after another they busily ripped off their official robes.

Immediately, this entire backyard as if had become the Mount Lu Cang's brethren stronghold and that unfortunate Zhang Zi Dong was their target to be the prey.

Soon all of the brothers gathered up their possessions. Ones who held sabre would draw out their sabre, they who used sword would raise their sword. Emitting the menace aura, they were following behind Lu Cang, headed to that Zhang Zi Dong's mansion with fierce looks.

For generations, the Zhang family had served Datong's Empire as high official. Even though for now Zhang Zi Dong position wasn't that high at all, but his mansion was resided in the inner city, among the high officials mansion. Not far from Lu Cang's Marquis' residence.

"Little dog Zhang! You bastard! Come out!" Lu Cang charged in to the guest hall (t/n : guest room – they had a hall like large room for receiving the guests). One of his feet was stepped on the old fashioned wooden chair. He swung his sword and swept down most of the arranged ornament on the display in the guest hall. Howled in rage, demanding Zhang Zi Dong to come out.

"In this high midday, which pig is making this noise here?!"

Zhang Zi Dong wasn't someone who was easy to deal at all. His family had a powerful influence in Datong for generations. Jing also didn't desolate him at all, despite he didn't get along well with Lu Cang. There was no way he would let this insignificant male pet of the emperor to look down on him.

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