Chapter 10 - Drifting affection by the pure stream

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It was early autumn. Yet, Jiangnan carried on with the spell of lingering hot weather after the beginning of autumn, the reason was the still remaining suffocating blazing hot air.

Lu Cang, with the brothers, although dwelled in the depth of the mountain, still couldn't break away nor reduce this hot and stuffy weather. The sun already inclined a bit, everybody relieved themselves in the mountain stream that was surging to the mountain side. Playing and bathing. In the attempt to wash away the summer heat, to convert and freshen their whole body temperature.

Lu Cang had returned to Jiangnan for several months. With the help of the hidden link in Hangzhou City, he managed to get in touch with his brothers at Mount Lu Cang. Because he was afraid that Jing would chase to kill him to take revenge, he could only give up the many years pain to build up fort and property on Mount Lu Cang. Bringing all the members of the stronghold to seek for another secluded place in the remote mountain, claim the wasteland and establish new residential. It could be counted as setting a new shelter.

From a distance, rather far from the laughing and playing people, he found a rock to sit. Lu Cang took off his shoes and soaked his tired and sleepy toes in the small rivulet of watercourse. Feeling the cool and refreshing sensation passed through from the bottom of his feet, immediately, his whole body relaxed. His mind was crystal clear, little by little, numerous thoughts began to float from his mind.

Xuan Yuan Jing.......

The name emerged again in his mind. Though the memory was enough to dilute the agony, but the bitterness that remained was like an undissolvable taste of a strong bitter tea, stifled in his mind and heart. Once he thought about all of his suffering from the unjustly wrongful treatment and the physical torment, he couldn't refrain from having this deeply miserable feeling remaining.

A month ago, Lu Cang relied on the built up indignation and pain, concentrating himself to muster up his will power, made an effort to move with a pole, bringing his whole badly injured body to appear in front of his brothers. Naturally everybody would be shocked and scared. Yet, when they asked him the cause of his wounds, he made a very painful expression thus the brothers didn't have the nerve to make a detailed inquiry.

Along with his slow rate improved physical condition, Lu Cang's mood, by each day passing by, had sunk even heavier. The endlessly worried brothers, took the initiative to devotedly find for him some enjoyment to divert him from boredom. The rumored to be beautiful and moving also as tender as snow, Hangzhou's famous courtesan, Lu Chuan Er.

Too bad, facing this skillful and ingenious beauty, Lu Cang not only didn't share any poetic and romantic night any affectionate couple would do, by then and there, he flew into a furious rage instead. The frightened to death Chuan Er and all of his brothers could only gasp, with astonishment in their eyes as they stared at him, absolutely having no idea what was the cause of his soaring fury.

Only Lu Cang himself knew why he shot his senseless wrath towards his brothers to that extent. ---- The soreness that was coming forth from the lower part of his body almost every night tormented Lu Cang. Quivering from the generated heat and contracted feeling, reduced him to only gritting his teeth and writhing in pain on the bed.

That kind of terrifying feeling could only lead to one conclusion. ---- He, who was known as the "Eagle", from now on was merely a disabled man, he was useless to the point where he couldn't even be regarded as a man anymore. The sole fortunate thing to console him was nobody knew about this secret but himself.


All because Jing dragged him in. To be involved with Jing, what remained of him was no more than a ruined body as well as his completely turned into ashes' feeling of love. Even without his deformed body, he was afraid that he was unable to love again for the rest of his life. There's no way for him to be able to accept anyone again.

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