Chapter 4- Chaotic Flowers Confuse the Eye

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Though located in the north, Tong'an's summers were, surprisingly, frequented by rain.

Lu Cang sat in front of the desk in the four-sided courtyard house, watching the drip-dropping eaves. His mood had pretty much hit rock-bottom. He had already stayed in Tong'an for more than two months. When he had first arrived in Tong'an from Hangzhou, he had never imagined he would stay for so long, so he hadn't much money on his person.

As of now, he had already written to Hangzhou telling them to bring him money, but meanwhile, before the money arrived, it was still prudent to spend a bit thriftier.

Because of this, Lu Cang had moved to the house near Yue Long Bridge. However, though he saved the inn money...

Living here...

Horrid memories were everywhere. That bed needn't be mentioned; but why, even while strolling along the halls, gazing at the flowers, trees, and grass in yard, and sitting in the western auxiliary hall used for dining, were those filthy, depraved images emerging in his mind?

All this... could only be blamed on that freakish man's extreme state of mutation! Remembering how last time, when the two of them ate together, Jing suddenly unleashed a surge of savage instinct and pressed him flat onto the table, Lu Cang's face, once again, uncontrollably flushed red...

The only place left was the study...

He gave a bitter, humourless laugh at the fact that he slept on the floor though there was a bed (that bed would make him develop insomnia) and ate out instead of using the kitchen (though he had little money). This only served to darken his gloomy mood.

So bored...

Seemingly the heavens' response to Lu Cang's silent cries, the "knock knock" sound of someone rapping on the door broke through the quiet courtyard's atmosphere out of the blue.

Lu Cang rose to his feet, puzzled. Jing never knocked when he visited...

Who could it be?

Lu Cang cautiously opened the door, and upon the sight of the man standing outside, all of his gloom immediately spread into a smile.

"Third Brother!"

He quickly caught the visitor in an embrace. The excitement of seeing one of his brothers from the mountain made Lu Cang forget that his visitor was wearing a straw rain cape[1] dripping with water. When he released his Third Brother, his own robes had also been soaked through.

But Lu Cang didn't think much of it. He let go of his exhausted sworn brother[2] and helped him lead his horse into the yard.

"Third Brother, how come it's you who came? It would've been fine to just have sent Xiao Sang." Xiao Sang was Lu Cang's personal attendant. Lu Cang, who was ever so intent on preserving his reputation, feared Xiao Sang would find out about the embarrassing situation between him and Jing, so he didn't bring Xiao Sang with him to Tong'an.

This Mt. Lu Cang's third-in-command was named Cao Xin, third in order of seniority, though he was really three years older than Big Brother Lu Cang. He was forthright in conduct, valued loyalty, and got along with Lu Cang the best out of all the others.

Seeing Lu Cang's extreme excitement upon seeing him, Cao Xin flashed a sincere smile. "Big Brother hasn't been back to the Stronghold for these past few months. You've made us really worried, so Second Brother told me to come see Big Brother in the capital and help out where I can..."

"Hehe..." After taking care of the horse, Cao Xin took off the rain cape, sat down in the study, and laughed stupidly before speaking. "Actually, it's also because I've long since heard of the capital's grandeur and wanted to come enjoy myself."

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