Shittake Mushrooms

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They were now at the third resting stop, at a gas station. It was night, and it was freezing much colder than New York had been.

"Be back in 20 minutes, 'kay?" The bus driver said as he stepped out.
People started moving around and stretching, leaving the bus for a bathroom break or to buy a snack.

New Zealand, Japan, and North Korea were waiting in line for the women's bathroom.

"So, NK," Kiwi started, "how long have you and Russia been a thing?"

"If by that, you mean, daring, then a year and a half."

"Wow that's quite a while. How'd you guys stand each other that long?"

"Despite what you may think of me," North said, narrowing her eyes, "Russ and I actually are very happy together."

Japan chuckled, "you guys go on with that. I'm just mad that SK never told me you two were together!"

"Well, I never outright told him who I was dating. Just that I had a boyfriend. As far as I know, he tells you everything. He has a big mouth sometimes," North said, inspecting her nails.

"True, but I think that's what I like about him. He's very honest, and it makes him trustworthy!"

"Unlike me, I presume," North quipped.

Japan's smile twitched down, unsure how to respond. Kiwi looked at North's face, curious.

"I know I'm not easy to get along with. I try, most of the time. Other times, it's just natural. I know how you," she looked pointedly at New Zealand, "and your siblings, feel about me."

"Whatever drama you and America had going on, he put it behind him. He doesn't care about any of that stuff anymore."

"I'm sure," North raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing that. "It's ok. I mean, yes we're more civil now. I think he's actually trying, and it's annoying, but I can deal with it. For South and Russia, at least."

"Excuse me," the lady behind them snapped, "are you going or not? Interesting as this is, I'm gonna piss my damn pants."

The girls moved the line up and the conversation was forgotten.

When North walked out, Russia was outside the restroom, leaning on the wall, and staring off into space.

Russia smiled at her, and she wrapped her hand around his bicep, letting him walk her back to the bus.

Australia, Canada, and America were buying some candy and snacks when Kiwi smacked into Canada's back, wrapping her arms around his midsection and groaning.

"Ughuhhh, felt so good to peeee!"

"Ew! Don't say that while you're wrapped around me, nasty!"

Kiwi made grabby hands at his face, and Canada swatted them away, ducking his head. Kiwi chased him into he next aisle with her arms outstretched and Canada squealing as quietly as he could so he didn't disrupt other people in the store, leaving Australia and America cracking up in the middle of the candy aisle.

"I washed my hands! Let me hug you, my oh-so-wonderful brother!"

"No way, eh!"

Eventually, all four of them made it out, arms holding their treats and cackling like they'd robbed the store. They dashed on the bus, got scolded by the bus driver for doing so, and dumped their goodies on their friends.

"Damn, what did you guys get?" South asked.

"I got some muthafuckin' Slim Jimsss, Ding Donngs, barbeque chipsss sour cream and onion chiiipss, and uhh, fuckin' uh, a slushie!" America said, holding said icy beverage out and taking a big ass, obnoxiously loud sip of it.

"And then you wonder why I called you a pig all the time," North smirked.

"Didn't wonder at all, actually, but thanks for the input! Nah, I mean, I wasn't fat so like, fuck your opinion?"

"Fair," North said and leaned back into Russia's side

"Tica, have a muthafuckin' Sssliimm Jiiimm!"

'Beef jerky?'

"Yeah, that's right! It's just beef jerky!"

Antarctica smiled and grabbed one for Greenland, too.

"I got two family pack chip bags, so we can share, y'all," America busted open the sour cream and onion.

"I got some trail mix, cheeses, and some sour patch kids. Oh, and this little cookie dough thing? I dunno, I wanted to try it," Canada said, showing off his snacks.

The rest of the bus ride, they whispered and giggled to each other, passing bags and food back and forth, and falling asleep.

They switched up their seating arrangement a little - not the bus driver cared now, as long as nobody else did - and now America and Japan sat together, behind Antarctica and Greenland. Australia and Canada sat behind North and South across from them(North insisted she sit with him, since Japan ditched him). That left New Zealand to sit next to Russia.

"So, real quick question. Is us sitting together going to be really quiet and awkward, or are we, uh, cool?"

"I am cool if you are," Russia shrugged.

"Alright, cause I am gonna talk your bloody ear off."

Russia hummed in amusement. New Zealand was a lot like his sister, so he could stand her. Not as shy, but she had some of that same friendly personality.

"So how 'ave you been living? I haven't seen you since high school. I was a junior when you guys graduated. And we never talked much, so I'm glad we get to talk now. You have a job? Where did you go to school? Where do you live now?"

"Ah." Russia hadn't been prepared for this kind of onslaught, and made only one audible noise in response as he placed a hand on her shoulder to try and quiet her.
He cleared his throat, thinking over what she'd said, "hm, I live in St. Petersburg now, I went to school there, too. Didn't finish, but I got job out of trade skills.

"Ooo, what do you do?"

"Mostly welding."

"Do you do any sports? I remember you being smaller back then, but you were still pretty bulky."

"I did ice hockey for some time, yes. I still play every other weekend, with others. When I was younger, I practised ballet."

"Ballet? That's cool! Canada and America like ice hockey, too. Canada does, more, but they like to play whenever they meet up. It's the only sport they ever really agree on. Do you still know some ballet stuff?"

"Da, I do."

"If I force my brothers to join, could you teach us some?"

"Uhm, ...da. I do not know how good teacher I would be, but I will try."

"Thanks. You're alright, Russia."

"Spasibo, New Zealand."




Some New Zealand and Russia bonding? Not what I expected, but you know what? Yes.
Also, I'm not gonna try to make North out to be a bad person, but just a really difficult one. You know, the kind where they purposefully annoy people with their indifference and shit
Ngl it felt cute, writing small moments between North and Russia.

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