~The Rise of Voltron Part 1~

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AN: The art here isn't mine, it's by a Speed Paint artist on Tumblr and YouTube, Jasuem Ararez. You should check them out, their art is amazing.

"Where is thing taking us anyway?!" Pidge shouted as the Lion flies through the black hole that had appeared before them. Keith would actually like to know that answer as well.

When he got kicked out of the Garrison, he holed himself up in a shack in the desert where he discovered a strange energy signature in the area. The signature lead him to a bunch of ancient carvings about a "Blue Lion", and a date describing some sort of event. When the date came and he went out into the desert, he was shocked to find the Garrison there, even more when he broke in to find Shiro.

After recusing Shiro and escaping, with the help Pidge and Hunk, Keith took them to his shack where he explains to them about the strange energy and the carvings with their depicted date of an event. Shiro then explains to them about what little he remembered when captured by aliens, known as the Galra, and that they were looking for a weapon, something called Voltron.

Then, using Fraunhofer lines apparently, Hunk and Pidge made a Geiger counter to locate the weapon, which seemed to be what was emitting the signature. They followed it to the mountain range where they discovered a hidden cave entrance that leads them down into the deepest caverns, where they discovered a giant mechanical blue lion, encased in a blue force field, believing it must be Voltron.

It wasn't until they all placed their hands on the shield that it dropped and they all saw a vision. The Blue Lion, along with four other lions of different colors, Red, Yellow, Green and Black, all flying together before combining into one big robot. Voltron. The vision then changed to show a white castle-like structure and a girl in front of it. Her face was obscured, but she appeared to have long white hair and strange blue markings on her cheekbones.

The humans were left breathless from the vision. The Blue Lion then lowered her massive head and opened her mouth, inviting them in. They all boarded the ship and into the pilot's cockpit. Suddenly, the lion rose up and took off, smashing through the cave walls up to the surface and flying into the sky, eventually leaving Earth's atmosphere all together.

Which now leads them to their current situation. After making it to space itself and leading an approaching Galra ship away from Earth, they made it all the way to Kerberos, at the end of the edge of the universe, when a strange black hole thing appeared before them, and the lion flew right into it. When they emerged the humans all take a moment to gather themselves.

"Blargh!" Though in Hunk's case, lose his lunch. "So sorry." He apologized and vomits some more. The lion seemed to growl in annoyance.

"I'm just surprised it took this long." Pidge says while adjusting their glasses.

"I don't recognize any of these constellations." Shiro said looking out the window. "We must be a long, long way from Earth." He added.

"It looks like the lion is heading towards that planet up ahead." Pidge says as the lion approaches said planet. It looks kind of like Earth, but not quite.

"Maybe, it's going home." Hunk suggests as the lion descends.

"Brace yourselves." Shiro says and every does as the lion enters the planet's atmosphere. It's a rough way down but it smooths out as the lion approaches a strange monument. A look closer revealed it to be the same castle from their vision. The Lion than lands in front of the castle and lowers it head.

"Keep your guard up." Shiro warns.

"Something wrong?" Pidge asked.

"My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again." Shiro states and they understand. They all then walk out of the lion and look in awe at the castle. It was simply breathtaking. Suddenly the lion rose up again.

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