Fruit or Fish

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Crimson led Abyss down one of the many side tunnels. Abyss was soon lost in the maze of tunnels but Crimson seemed to know exactly where she was going. Abyss was careful to avoid the six long spikes on one side at the end of Crimsons long tail. Finally she was led into another cavern. It was the same size as the other one but she could see a deep dip in one wall. Crimson nodded to it. "Its not the best but its somewhere. I wasn't exactly expecting company." Abyss had gone father today then ever before in her life.So much had happened. She was so tired that anywhere looked comfortable. "Thank you. Its fine." she said with a yawn. After she curled up she was vaguely aware of Crimson leaving the room before she fell asleep.

Abyss woke with a yawn. She noticed how uncomfortably dry her scales were. What was with the ocean today? She opened her eyes to the black of a cave. A dry, not underwater, and very unfamiliar cave. It came back to her. The nightmare she had hoped wasn't real. Crimson was nowhere to be seen. She got up and stretched he legs before exploring the cave. Nothing spectacular or interesting about. She look curiously into one of the extra entrances. Crimson probably won't mind if explore. Probably. She thought. She headed down the tunnel never veering into another tunnel for fear of getting lost. The empty tunnels were really creepy and her claws clicked unnaturally loud on the stone floor. Finally feeling really creeped out, lonely, and solemn she turned back to her cave to wait for Crimson to return. She had just come back when she heard a loud echoing clicking and a call of "Are you still here?" amused and assuming the Semi-familiar voice was talking to her she called "Over here Crimson!" Crimson peered her head around to corner into the cave "Ah! Your still here! Good, I figured you might be hungry." As if to answer at that moment Abyss' stomach growled loudly. Both dragons smiled. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you prefer meat, fruit-" "Fruit? Where in Phyria did you find fruit?" " I have my ways" Crimson replied with exaggerated mystery. "Do you have fish? It's the only thing I've ever eaten." "To bad for you , you should really try fruit. Yes I actually attempted, and succeeded mind you, to catch fish for a Seawing." She said wrinkling her snout. "Good job! Maybe I will try fruit. Maybe. I'll stick to fish for now." "You don't know what your missing." Crimson said shaking her head. After they finishing their meal,of which Abyss had only eaten fish, Crimson asked "What are you going to do now? With you being hunted and your mom and all." "I hadn't really thought about it." she admitted feeling sad at she thought of her mother. "But there is no way i can rescue her, i'm only three after all, and I dont really have anywhere safe to go..." her voice faded off. "Well your welcome to stay here, with me, if you want." Abyss looked up surprised "Really?" she asked disbelievingly "Sure. After all it gets pretty lonely here and everyone needs a friend. I can hunt and get necessities. Plus us hybrids need to stick together right? Also i have my own selfish reasons. If something happened to you i would never forgive myself." Abyss smiled "Thanks, plus I'll finally get a chance to try fruit!" Abyss had no idea why she was trusting this mysterious dragon that she had only met yesterday and knew nothing about, but somthing told her she could. So she did.

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now