Trying to make wishes come true. [Prologue]

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Mabel had just asked Dipper if she could take a peek into his journal. "There is some cray-zee stuff in here" Mabel pointed out.
"Yea... umm... Mabel?" Dipper replied
"I kinda want... y'know... my journal back." He said with a crack at the end of his voice.
"Yea, o- WOAH!" Mabel said while making her "amazed" face.
"W-what is it?" Dipper asked almost immediately while he quickly swiped the journal from Mabel's hands and held the book to his face.
"This." Mabel said as she pointed to a paragraph in the book.

Next thing they knew they were searching the forest for a magical red flower that grants wishes.
"Not only that but the journal says it's perfectly safe!" Mabel said while pointing to a certain part of the journal.
" I'm still not sure about this. A flower that grants wishes? I mean there has to be a catch right?" Dipper said.
The twins were now deeper into the forest, where they found a similar looking flower.
"Found it!" Hollered Mabel, excited.

"What you gonna wish for? "

"A chocolate puppy! Wait... ooh that giant hamster ball I always wanted! ooo ooo a giant hamster ball filled with chocolate puppies!"

"Uhh Mabel that flower looks more orangey than red."

"It'll be fine Dip-per"she said"Whomp Whomp" She then poked him in the nose.

"Ouch" Dipper said with a grunt.

Mabel rubbed the flower like a lamp and made her wish. While dipper took this chance to get his journal back. "Mabel where exactly does it say how it works?" Dipper questioned.
In reply Mabel gave a weak "uhhh" Dipper slaps his forehead, " Let's just take it with us." it was a good thing Dipper brought a cardboard pot just in case this happened.

After Mabel gave Dipper one of her "friendly silly sibling apologies" by squishing dipper's cheeks they made their way back to the shack.

Once they got back they fist bumped Wendy and Soos as a "we're back" notification, since they've been gone for a while. And Mabel poked everyone in the face, even the shoppers!
---------time skip------
After spending half the day searching for that err... orange red flower they spend the rest of the day doin their own things. Now it's time for bed, but before Mabel goes to sleep the waters her "Wishing" Flower.

Author's note
So that was the first chapter.
Stay tuned to find out what happens tomorrow morning! MHUAHAHAHA!

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