Continuing the search

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The next day, Mabel had to trust Grenda, Candi and Wendy would find Dipper for her. Mabel's water wheel chair broke on their way back home yesterday, and Soos was much to busy with the pointless chores Stan was bossing him around with to fix it.

Without Mabel Wendy, Grenda and Candi were easily able to make it to the boulder for lunch. They had the same things as last time.
"How were we supposed to get over?" Candi questioned no one in particular.

"How about I smash it?" Grenda said.
She hurled her fists at the rock. It hardly did anything!

"Ow!" Grenda said as she rubbed her hands.

"Let me try" Wendy said as she jumped with a running start. She barely landed on the top, but couldn't hang on with her claws and fell, Grenda caught her. Man cyclops' must be strong.

"Dipper couldn't have jumped that." Wendy said.

"Where else could he have gone?" Candi said. The bushes were prickly on each side but ahead and behind. There were no grooves in the bushes either.

Grenda was still rubbing her hand when she said "Maybe I can lift you guys up?"

"But how will you come with us?" Candi asked.

"How will we get back?" Wendy questioned.

They were stumped on the question.
Stumped.... Stump.... Wendy looked at a tree stump. Then at a tree.

"Climb a tree?" she said.

Grenda and Candi looked at each other. When Wendy had already started climbing.

"c'mon guys, you can do it!" She yelled as she jumped to a tree across from the boulder and slid down.

The younger girls tried. Grenda was too heavy, the branches would break. Candi was not strong enough. She couldn't lift herself up.

"We can not." Candi yelled.

"Yeah these puny branches keep on breaking it's making me mad!" Grenda yelled as she punched the tree.

It fell down, splintering the part where it fractured.

"Whoops." Grenda said.

"What happened?" Wendy yelled, unable to see the tree that had fallen down.

"Put it here." Candi said as she pointed beside the rock.

Grenda dragged the fallen tree beside the rock. They climbed over join Wendy.

"About time you got here. Look at this." Wendy said as she pointed to the gaping hole in the ground.

While Wendy and Candi inspected the hole, Grenda punched another tree and dragged it to the rock. Her hands hurt.

Wendy and Candi looked in the hole. They couldn't see anything. Candi dropped a pebble down. It came back up, as if the hole didn't want it.

"Weird" Wendy said.

When they looked back up on the other side of the hole, there was a huge crow. They all froze. It was huge! It was as big as Candi.

"Craw!" The crow cawed as two more appeared. The girls started backing way.

"Craw Craw!" The Crows cawed, they were obviously hostile. More appeared from behind.

"Run." Candi said quietly. She started running and the crows started flapping their wings getting ready for flight.

Grenda ran with Candi, then by the time Wendy left, the crows were on their tails. There was no time for screaming, they ran over the fallen tree and the boulder retracing their steps, but running.

Wendy quickly caught up to the others, getting ahead. She couldn't abandon them though. She kept a pace.

Once they were far way enough from the area, the crows stopped chasing them.

The girls got a chance to breath.

"How were we supposed to get close enough?" Candi asked, out of breath.

"I don't know." Wendy answered. It was already sunset. Another unsuccessful search. How'd they tell Mabel?

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