Hunting for an odd animal

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It was the next day. Mabel, Wendy, Grenda and Candi headed outside with their packs. They brought everything they thought of. Including food. You never know how long you'll be searching.

"Wendy, are you bringing anyone?" Mabel asked.

"No, They don't do searches." Wendy replied.

"How are we going to find him?" Candi asked. She looked like she was part turtle or something.

Everyone started thinking.

"I can try sniffing him out." Wendy said.

"Manhunt!" Genda exclaimed. She was as tall as Wendy (when she's on her hind legs) and has one eye. She is a cyclops.

Mabel gave Wendy a piece of Dipper's clothing. Wendy sniffed it, then lifted her head up high, sniffing the air.

"Is Soos coming?" Wendy asked.

"No, Stan's been really bossy lately, and is getting him to do a lot of repairing and junk."

"Oh. Boo, that stinks." "Follow me" Wendy said before going on all fours and going in the forest.

The rest followed her. Wendy was fast. She was running and jumping and everything. She had to make frequent stops to make sure they were still following her.

They had been out in the forest for a few hours, when Wendy found a groove in the mud.

"Dipper's pacing!" Candi said.

"Wow you're brother paces a lot" Grenda told Mabel.

"Look, giant hoofprints." Mabel said suspiciously. She and the others have never seen a manotaur. Nor their footprints.

"What could it mean?" Candi questioned.

"I don't know... but we can hope whatever made those marks didn't find Dipper." Wendy said as she started sniffing the air again. "this way." She said as she started running.

The others chased after Wendy.

They were in a shady part of the forest. Mabel looked at her watch. It was nearly lunch!

"Wendy." Mabel called.

"Yeah" She replied

"Lunch break."

This made everyone happy. They were starving.

They all stared eating. Mabel was eating a fish sandwich. Wendy had... Steak? very odd to bring that to a search as food.

It was room temperature. It hadn't gone bad yet.

Candi drank some water and ate some dried fruit and nuts. Grenda had a greasy slice of pizza. They all had different things.

After lunch, they continued their search. Wendy was running faster, but also stopping more frequently. When Mabel's arms got tired Grenda would push her.

"Hey, guys" Wendy called from ahead,

She sounded kinda anxious, so the others ran/sped up towards Wendy.

She had found a den of some sort, with Dipper's scent!

"Woah, is that Dipper's?" Mabel asked.

"No, it's a random animal's" Wendy said sarcastically.

"You being sarcastic? or what?" Mabel said playfully.

"Yeah I'm being sarcastic." She said and meant.

"He went this way after" she said as she pointed to a small path of flattened grass.

"Follow that path!" Grenda yelled.

"For Dipper!" Mabel cried as they stormed the path.

"Hiyaaaaa!" Candi yelled.

Wendy and the path led them to a

Dipper's hat was hooked on one of the branches. Wendy grabbed it with her mouth, it was getting harder and harder to grab things with her hands.

She sniffed it. "It's his alright. Man, he's been sweating a lot."

They continued, eventually finding a dead end.
"There's a giant rock in the way." Grenda said.

Wendy tried climbing over it with no luck.

"Look!" Mabel pointed to Dipper's vest and a torn piece of his shirt. He was running from something. But what?.

The sun looked lower than before, they couldn't stay any longer. They had to go back to the shack.

~Scene change~

Dipper's shirt was torn. He was cold and hungry, but at least he escaped.

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