Checking up on everyone else

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Grunkle Stan had been taking frequent naps and pacing during the day Wendy and Mabel's weird friends were gone. So Soos got break periods.

Mabel sat in her pool that day, watching some tiger-fist. Soos sat down beside her, playing with his hands they were starting to look almost naturally deformed.

Mabel was thinking about visiting the town, but she wasn't up to it. She'd have to push herself into town after getting in her water-chair. Or she could have Soos push her. The real reason she didn't want to leave though... was because she might miss Dipper's arrival.

Later that day, she found out that Wendy, Grenda and Candi had not found Dipper. They had to tell her that Dipper had gone through giant crow territory, and they might not be able to continue. Mabel was saddened for the rest of the day.

Grunkle Stan started pacing. He was worried. What was he supposed to say to their parents? Uh hello, Dipper's missing. Oh and he's part deer and Mabel's a mermaid. He wished it was that simple.

Stan went outside to think of this, but when he came back in he was all stiff and his joints hurt. So he just went back to napping.

The town was normal, ignoring the fact they were all monsters. Every tourist bus that came by didn't stop by. Well, the ones who admired the 'costume work' did.

It was night and Stan couldn't sleep. When he went outside, he felt awesome. He took it all in. Then he felt something weird. He looked
behind him. He had wings.

"Oh yeah." He said as he took off to the night sky.

That morning, Stan went inside knowing he'd be practically frozen in the daylight.

Mabel woke at the sound.

"Grunkle Stan, where have you been?" Mabel asked.

"What does it look like? outside." He replied.

Mabel stared at him with her arms crossed.

"Okay, you caught me." Stan said. "I was doing a little night flying."

"You can fly?" Mabel asked.

"I said I was night flying. and we don't own any flying machines."

"Where'd you go?"

"The sky."

Mabel knew she wasn't gonna get any more out of him. Mabel sat in her pool, depressed at the thought that she might never see Dipper again.

It was noon and Wendy was spending the day with her friends.

"Hey Mabel? My friends and I are going to the pool, wanna come?"

Mabel smiled at Wendy. "Of course I do."

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