Making her way downtown

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Mabel was sitting in her pool of water, bored out of her mind. Everything on the tv was just reruns. Soos was sitting on a nearby table playing with his gooey hands.

"Hey Soos?"Mabel asked.

"Yeah dood?" He questioned back.

"You know where Dipper went?"

"Probably in town to see if anyone knows what happened."

"Oh."Mabel said half-heartedly while she turned her head towards her tail. Soos didn't like seeing Mabel upset, she's usually so happy.

"If you want we can go look for him" Soos said.

Mabel flailed her arms at her pool.
"I do but I need this thing to keep hydrated and stuff."

"I got an idea." Soos said, as Mabel's eyes started to sparkle.

He always has the best solutions.

As Soos left to get to work on his thingy mobaber, Stan entered the living room.

"Where's your brother?"Stan asked.

"We're not sure but he may be in town" Mabel replied.

"Great now who's going to unclog the toilet?"

Mabel decided not to question that.

After a moment of awkward silence Stan said:
"So, you're a fish girl. How's that for ya?"

"Good at first, but now I can't move anywhere without water!" She replied.

"You should get Soos to build something for ya." Stan suggested.

"He is, I just don't know what."


There was some more awkward silence.

"I'm just gonna... go. Over there." Stan said as he pointed towards the exit.

She bent down a little to get through the entrance and out of the room and mumbled: "Awkward silence much?"

A few hours later Soos rolled into the room. Literally. He squished into a ball and rolled. It was obvious someone was getting comfortable.

"Yo dood nice hair" he told Mabel.

While she was waiting she had gotten some shells from Wendy, which she weaved into her hair.

"Thanks Soos." Mabel replied. "Is that my thingy?" She asked while pointing at a wheelchair pool thing.

"You likey? hehe." Soos replied

"You know I do!" Mabel said excitedly.

After Soos pushed the wheelchair towards Mabel's little pool she jumped in, hardy making it.
"Woah, nice jumping." Soos said

"Thanks, I've been practicing, you wanna come?" Mabel said, wheeling towards the exit.

Soos was about to say yes, when he was interrupted.
"Soos, there you are. The toilet's been clogged for what? 2 hours? Can you fix it already?" He told Soos.

"Sure Mr.Pines" Soos replied. "Hehe Sorry Mabel, but I've gotta go do my duty... No pun intended."

"Just unclog it" Stan said before Mabel could speak."Stupid doorway." he grumbled as he walked through normally, busting the top part of it and leaving some chunks of wood on the floor.

"That's okay Soos."Mabel said, continuing and ending their conversation by leaving.

Mabel wheeled into town. Almost no one was outside today, unlike yesterday. Yesterday the town was bustling with people. There was about 156 people Mabel saw, rather poked yesterday.

Mabel thought this was weird. "Wait! Who's that?" She said as she seen a figure. It got closer. She rolled her eyes. "Great. Gideon."
"Why hello, Mabel. I'm glad you finally got rid of your brother, for a while I was starting to think he was right and we just weren't meant ta be, but I always knew ya wanted to be with me."
"Ewwww no, I didn't get rid of my brother, and I did NOT come into town for YOU!" Mabel half-yelled.

"Sure ya didn't, nice tail by the way."

Mabel just noticed Gideon didn't look any different.

"Wait, Wendy and Soos said EVERYBODY turned into uh, monsters."

"They did."

"Sooo why didn't you?"

"I did, see?" He said as he revealed two fangs by opening his mouth. Mabel also noticed how his eyes were red were they like that before? Who knows.

"Oh, yeah, cool." Mabel replied un-enthusiastically. "I'm just gonna go now."

"I'll be waitin' fo ya my peach."Gideon said while Mabel was leaving. "I'll be waiting..."

Mabel knocked on a door. "Hello?" Mabel asked. A female voice hissed "Go away! It'sss dangerousss! I'm dangergerousss!"

"Don't worry ma'am whatever happened to you I can guaranty you're not the only one."

A woman opened the door. She had two snake tails that were her lower body and long sharp nails. "y-you can?"

"Yeah. See?" Mabel showed off her tail to the woman.
Mabel visited a few more houses, well actually all the houses she could within the day. She got most of the town to go outside.

The day was almost over when Mabel decided to go to one last place, the daily gossiper. Mabel knocked on the door. "Hello?" Toby said as he opened the door.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mabel yelled as she shielded her eyes.

"What?" Toby questioned.

Mabel unshielded her eyes."Oh. You're not changed."

"Huh? What's going on?" Toby seen Mabel's fish tail and the other people. "Is this some kind of costume party?"

"Let me explain."Mabel told him.
She explained all the biggies, like how there was some sort of curse or something.

"I wasn't outside at all today or yesterday. I've been working a bunch of copies of my article about this kid making his mark on the world with puppet shows. It's not the most exciting headline, but that's all I could find 4 days ago."

"You've been in here for four days?"


Mabel left on that note, Toby was creepy even when he wasn't a monster. She'd avoid him most of the time.

Then a thought occurred to Mabel. She hadn't seen Dipper! Mabel decided to see if Dipper was at the shack.

--------Where Dipper is at the time this chapter started------------------------

"Great. Lost in a forest. Just what I needed." Dipper thought aloud.
He was reading and trying not to trip on roots with his hooves.

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