So Close, So Little Time.

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Wendy was dropped off at the shack. She entered with her head hung low.

"Where's Mabel?" Stan asked as soon as he saw Wendy.

"S-she jumped out of Thompson's van and she sw-wam away." She said nervously.

Stan looked at Wendy, his eyes were red. "She did WHAT?!" He said angrily.


"I nothing! I was nervous before when they were transformed, even more when Dipper went missing. and now... you're trying to tell me... THEY'RE BOTH GONE?!?"


Wendy had to admit, Stan was terrifying. If he dared to hit anyone, they'd definitely die.

"I need them here, at the shack. Find at least one. Then you won't be fired."



Wendy had to find one... so she decided to look for Dipper, she couldn't look for Mabel, fish don't leave trails.

Wendy had quickly made her way to the boulder. Boy, was she faster alone!

She quickly got on Dipper's trail. But the crows got on hers. She jumped over a stream, most crows giving up. Some still chased her.

After losing all the crows, she looked for Dipper's scent. In an hour or more, she found a small field of grass. She only got there to see something flee out of the field.

Is it possible that was Dipper?

She started chasing it. She chased it to a place where it looked like a herd of deer were, or something.

"Woah." she said. She seen that she was chasing a bunny. She sniffed around, finding Dipper's den. His shirt was in it. She put it in her sack. She was so close, with so little time.

She'd finish her search first thing in the morning.

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