Meeting new friends

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Dipper fell down the gaping hole. "Aaaaahhhh!" He screamed at first.

Hours of falling and falling and falling. It was starting to get super boring. At least Dipper had time to think. Wait. What is there to even think about? He was lost and didn't know where to start to go.

He could think about food. Like, for example, how he's going to get it. Or what's he going to make his bed out of? Then Dipper realized something. "Am I... in a bottomless pit?"

He knew about Grunkle Stan's attraction, but he didn't know there was more than one! Unless there isn't, and this was just your normal deep deep deep so-high-the-second-you-touch-anything-you-die hole.

This was pointless. He'd just come out back the way he came, with no time passed.

By the time Dipper came back up, he was really starving. He got shot up a little into the air and landed next to the hole.

"Craw" A crow cawed. Great. This is just what he needed.

The chase continued as soon as the crows seen Dipper. He recovered from his fall and ran for it. Oh Yeah. He thought to himself.

The stream. What was he thinking before? Can crows swim, does it matter if they can fly?! and the stream wasn't even that big anyways. Dipper gained speed and jumped over the stream.

Lucky for him, it was the border of the crows' territory. Most only cawed and flapped their wings in frustration. Others still followed, but it wasn't long before Dipper lost them.

Dipper continued walking, occasionally what would you call it? galloping? Let's call it galloping. Galloping when he was spooked.

Before Dipper thought we was starving. Well, before he didn't know what it was to truly begin to starve.

It was hours before he came across a nice field. Everything was green and beautiful. He hid in the more forestry part, until he knew it was truly safe. He hid there for a few minutes when he spotted a doe and a fawn.

Dipper looked at his lower half, then at the fawn's. He looked older than it, but younger than the mother.

He watched them for a while, he noticed how the young one played in the grass. He noticed they also ate the grass. Dipper was starving... and was half deer now... He needed to try.

Dipper came out of the bushes and looked at the grass. It didn't look too bad. He leaned down and had taken a bite out of some. He ate like a pro, or at least he thought. He didn't get any dirt or bugs, just grass. It didn't taste too bad.

He was eating grass, when he noticed something. The doe and fawn got closer. Mostly the fawn though. Like most babies, it was curious.

Dipper continued eating as the fawn started watching and sniffing him. He just ignored the cute lil' fawn. Dipper noticed how he was part what were they? white-tailed? Either way he was part their species.

The fawn started prancing and bouncing around Dipper. It wanted to play. Of course, for Dipper he almost didn't have a choice. He really really wanted to play.

This was his first real friendly social interaction since he left. He loved it. They ran around, jumped. Dipper did this all so naturally. He enjoyed every second of it.

Dipper heard a deer sound come from inside the forest and the doe called her fawn to go with her. Dipper decided to tag along, they didn't seem to mind.

When they got to their destination, there were does, fawns and bucks with huge antlers. When Dipper seen them, he touched the top of his head, almost imagining what it'd be like.

The bucks were fighting with their antlers in one area, there were does feeding their young in another. In one area there were fawns playing with each other, like how Dipper was.

Prancer, which was the name the first fawn got from Dipper, was leading Dipper to the other fawns where they could play.

Each fawn looked different, some were bigger, some were smaller, some had freckles and others had eyes that were more brown. Dipper noticed these little things. Including the coat colour and muzzle size.

Dipper played the rest of the day. He made a den next to Prancer's and slept there for the night. He knew where he belonged right now. With Prancer's heard. Here he felt at home.

Author's note
I had to do so much research on white tailed deer for this chapter. Su much. But I think I really liked this one. I know that they're usually only in packs in winter and stuff, but whateves it's gravity falls! anything can happen!

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