On the run.

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As Dipper slept in his makeshift den his ears would twitch every now and then. Thankfully this night was silent.

When Dipper woke from his slumber, it wasn't bright outside but it was morning.

He was silent. So it wasn't a dream... he thought to himself. What point is there in talking when there's no one to talk to?

Dipper decided to keep walking, hoping he would eventually find the shack... or a hint of civilization.

It was quiet. Too quiet. There were no birds singing, no bushes rustling. There was just.... nothing. No noise whatsoever. This stared creeping dipper out.

"Craw!" A crow cawed. "Caw Cra Craw!" called another.

The freakiest part was how Dipper couldn't see them.

"Caw" another joined. Then another. Then another!

Finally one showed it's face. It was on a tree behind Dipper. It was the tree he was sleeping in.

The crows were huge! One by one they revealed themselves. Dipper's mouth was left agape. How'd they... The growing crystal! These thoughts swam in Dipper's mind until-

"Craw!" One screeched as it flew towards Dipper. These crows, weren't nice.

"AAHHH" Dipper screamed as he tried to speed walk away.

That scream triggered the rest to go after him. They were almost right behind him. Dipper had to learn to run. In this situation, it was run or die. Dipper didn't want to die.

Dipper stated walking faster, then faster, he was at about jogging speed now. That wasn't enough. The wind from their giant wings blew off Dipper's hat. They were above him.

One swooped down in attempt to catch a part of Dipper with it's beak. Dipper gave a short yelp as he accelerated.

Dipper was able to go faster then human running speed now. His hooves were trampling the grass that was in his way, if he didn't bounce over it.

The crows were starting to get behind. This made Dipper give a small smile as he kept running.

Uh oh Dipper thought.

There was a boulder in his way! What could he do? Jump his body told him. You can make it.

What other choice did he have? None better that he could think of at the moment.

As Dipper jumped, his vest and a big chunk of his shirt got caught on a branch. He'd just lost his vest. But not the crows.

Can crows swim? It was time to find out. Dipper ran towards a nearby pond. He was nearly there, but the crows were catching up.

Dipper came to a screeching halt as a thought crossed his mind. "Can I swim?"
He didn't have long to think about it. The crows had circled him. He was surrounded when,


"Huh?" Dipper thought aloud as all the crows flew away.

Before he knew it, the ground below him turned into a gaping hole that sucked him in.

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