Doing some reasearch under a darker light then usual.

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"Grrraaawr!" Wendy growled as she pounced on Dipper, looking like a crazed wolf.

"AAAAAAH"Dipper screamed.

"Relax dude" Wendy said, smiling as she got off Dipper.

"You're a w-wolf?!"

"I dunno... yeah I guess I am."

"What happened?"


They walked into the shop part of the house.

"Hey doods" Soos said... he was blue... and looked like jelly.

"Hey man. You look... "Dipper said.

"Squishy and sticky? yeah, check this out" He said as he morphed his hand to look like his own face."I got two heads ,hehe" Then he un-morphed it.

"Cool. So, do you know what happened?"

"No, no one does... or I don't think anyone does" Soos replied

"So EVERYONE woke up like this?"

"Yeah dude"Wendy answered

"Something must have happened yesterday that did this...." Dipper thought aloud while pacing.

He snapped his fingers. "The Magic Flower! That must be it!" He said as Wendy and Soos watched him go towards the stairwell.

"Yo bro!" Mabel hollered.

Dipper who completely forgot Mabel was a mermaid, went into the living room to see what she wanted.

"Can you get me a pool or something? My tail is getting itchy." She said while rubbing her tail.

"Uh Yeah, sure" He went back to ask Soos to get Mabel a mini pool with water in it for Mabel.

After getting to the attic he sat on his bed and started looking through his journal, hoping he'll find more information on Mabel's magic flower.

There was no more info.

"This doesn't make any sense... wouldn't the author have at least wrote how to use it?"He face palmed himself. "The black light. duh."

He found the black light and shone it to the page. It read: This flower can be easily mistaken for an orange or red lily. The real magic flower has black spots.

"Huh?" Dipper looked at the flower, then the picture in the journal.
"This is just a regular flower?"

Then a thought occurred to him.

"If I find the real flower... I can wish everyone back to normal! ha ha!"

Then his stomach reminded him of something.... he hasn't eaten all day and it was nearly 3:00!

He went downstairs to the kitchen where he seen Mabel eating lunch-supper. Lupper?

Dipper was very hungry. He ate his pepperoni pizza while telling Mabel how her flower was just a regular lily. Although, he didn't mention how he was gonna look for the real flower in the forest. He was going to go alone.

So this is going nicely. I've already planned most of the story. The next chapter will be exploring the town.

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