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one of lauren's friends named devvy screenshots your story of the pic of you and mattia . wtf?
you call mattia
Facetime call*
mattia- hello
you- one of lauren's friends screenshoted my story
mattia - i know she sent it to lauren and lauren texted me on imessage since i unadded her on snap and she was like wow so this is why we broke up learn to be straight forward next time
you-oh. well this is great i totally needed this drama
mattia- don't worry about it there won't be drama unless you make it that way just ignore her
me and mattia talk for a little more and then i say good night and hang up
the next morning i get up and get dressed
me and kairi walk school together
when we get there he goes over to alejandro, roshuan , alvaro and i think mattia but i had to go to my locker to put this heavy text book away
mattia comes and hugs me from behind
you-hello how are you today
he smiles and gives me a kiss
we stand at my locker talking and i see the boys recording us lol why
they posted in their stories saying "okay but why are they the cutest couple"
as i close my locker mattia grabs my hand and we start walking to my first period class . while walking we pass by lauren . she and her friends give me dirty looks i remember what mattia said and i just ignore it
it looks like they were following us on the low but whatever . we arrive at the door mattia gives me a kiss and then he leaves . i go in and sit next to kairi . it tell him the tea about lauren and devvy.
kairi - i stg bitches always want beef with you
i see someone added me on snap . ITS LAUREN.
you look at your phone confused
kairi looks too
kairi - except that shit i wanna see what she has to say
you-okay. i accept it and put my phone down and start taking notes . on the last 10 minutes of class me kairi make a tiktok and then i go on snap i see lauren posted something i click and she recorded a video of mattia goofing off and then he looks at the camera and smiles . she captioned it "he's to funny 🤣❤️"
i show kairi
kairi-wtf i'm sure there just friends. i mean she probably posted that just to get you mad
you- well it worked
kairi- oh shit
the bell rings and i go to my locker to get my work for the next class alvaro and mattia come over since i have 2nd with alvaro and mattia came because he's my boy- whatever he is .
i don't talk on the way to 2nd and i don't hold his hand even tho i saw him try to grab it a few times 🥺when we get to the door i give him a quick tap kiss and go inside
i sit next to alvaro
you- do you have first with mattia?
alvaro- yea why
you- what was up with what lauren posted
alvaro - i haven't seen it
he goes on his phone and watches the story .
alvaro- shit idk but mattia won't do you like that so don't think to much into it
you just nod
the bell rings you head to 3rd right away . class ends and then you have to go back to your locker to get that textbook for 4th alejandro is at your locker with you and mattia comes over. he dabs alejandro up and then looks at me . i look at him for a few seconds and then i close my locker .
mattia- what's up with you ?
you-i'll tell you at lunch
you and alejandro walk to your 4th
in class*
alejandro -what's wrong with you ?
you tell him
alejandro sighs
alejandro-listen i don't think you should make a big deal out of this . they are probably just friends
you nod
alejandro see you upset
alejandro-i'm serious mattia loves you
you smile
skip to lunch *
you get to lunch and sit next to kairi and alejandro mattia comes in and sits next to you
you lay down on him and he holds you there for the whole lunch period
mattia- are you gonna tell me what's wrong
you- in 5th when we're alone
you feel someone staring it was lauren
you look over and wave and she looks away
haha bitch.
the bell rings i grab mattias hand and we go to class and sit down
mattia-okay so what is it ?
you- i got upset cause lauren added me on snap out of nowhere by search and then a few minutes after she posted this of you . you hand him your phone
mattia looks at it
mattia- i didn't know she posted that i was playing around with alvaro and she was recording me and when i peeped i just smiled
you- i know you didn't do anything it's her that bothers me
as i say that mattia gets a notification it's a message from lauren

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