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it's been a few weeks since me and mattia broke up. We were kinda back to normal in the friendship sense . But i still wasn't ready to jump back into being a relationship with him. The boys knew we broke up and most times they acted weird when they would see me mattia goofing around like if we couldn't be friends? I guess they just couldn't see us not together .
School ends *
I walk home and my mom was already home . That was weird since she always is home hours after i get home . I go inside
mom- up here babe
you go upstairs to see your mom packing a suitcase.
y/m - i have to go on a business trip for work . I'lol be gone for 5 days
you- mom you never told me you had this trip
y/m- i know, it was last minute but the person that was going canceled on them this morning. I'm getting paid a lot for this
you-oh okay, when your flight?
y/m -in like 4 hours but i texted your friend's mom to see who you could stay with while i'm gone.
you-mom i could just stay here
y/m- no no i don't want you alone but kairi and alejandro mom said they couldn't so your staying with mattia
y/m-what's the matter
you remember you never even told your mom
you- nothing i just would of preferred alejandro or kairi
y/m-what are you and mattia arguing ?
you- no no it's- we're just- you sigh , me and mattia just aren't as close
y/m-oh okay well are you gonna be okay there for the 5 days?
i really wasn't but i couldn't worry my mom she was obviously freaking out about this so i lied
you- yea yea ofc
My mom flight was in 2 hours but but she dropped me off at mattias so that she could be at the airport early . I hug my mom one last time we exchange i love you's. I wish her a safe flight and grab my bag from the trunk and she waits for me to go inside and then drives off
mattia's mom lets me in and hugs me she tells me mattias down stairs in his room.
I go down there and mattia's not in his room
then he comes out of his bathroom
mattia-what are you doing here ?
you- your mom didn't tell you....?
mattia-tell me what?
you- that my mom wants me to stay here for 5 days while she's on a business trip
mattia smiles
mattia-5 days?
it was cute in how excited he looked
there was a silence of course you break it
you- let's do tiktoks 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

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