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i go to class fuming . Are you actually kidding me . he misses her ? how fucking cute . that's so much for playing with my heart . my anger soon turns to tears and next thing you know i'm balling my eyes out into kairis shoulder .
kairi-hey teacher can i take her on a walk to cool down ?
teacher-yes .feel better y/n
i smile and get up and walk around the school with kairi .
kairi-so what's wrong ?
you- so mattia spent the night last night so we walked to school together . We got here a little early so we were waiting outside and devvy and lauren were early two and he kept kissing me whenever lauren would look . At first i ignored it but then he did again and i asked him why he was trying to make her jealous and then he said he misses her
you start tearing up again
kairi- he did not
you- i don't understand either
kairi -i honestly don't know what to say but fuck him he's an ass hole
we walk back to class i go about my day and i just ignored everyone . Then lunch came i go in and mattias sitting next to kairi and alejandro is across from them were to sit i get there and i just sit next to alejandro i see mattia staring at me but i just ignore him
he tried talking to me and i didn't say anything but it wasn't like he was saying sorry or i didn't mean it or the words didn't come out right he was just trying to make small talk . So he really did miss her . i go on my phone to avoid crying. I'm on snap and i see lauren story i click it and it's a video of her and mattia in class at a desk and she's sitting on his lap and he gives her a kiss on the cheek . I can't even process thoughts rn . What the actual fuck i mean i know we weren't official but i mean we didn't need to be we already we were boyfriend and girlfriend at least that's what i thought . my eyes start watering u quickly wipe them but i could tell alejandro saw . I put my head down wanting to leave school but i could i have a soccer game after school. the bell rings and the last three periods were hell.
I stand up and head to the locker room and get ready for my game . i was waiting on the bus since i'm always the first one ready . We were on the bus cause we had an away game . I just sat there thinking about everything and what really made me sad is he didn't give me the respect i deserved and talked to me like the big man he acts like . Instead i found out by lauren's snapchat story .i put my face in my arms and let all the tears out since i was alone . it felt good to let the tears i've been holding in all day for the most part out . I thought i was alone but then kairi, alejandro came up to my seat to see what was wrong . I saw mattia staring from his seat .
kairi- what's happened still upset about this morning
alejandro-what happened this morning
kairi quickly told him
you- i was but then i saw this
i showed them lauren's snap story .
you scoff
you- guess that's how he broke up with me
alejandro and kairi lull you into a hug
and they actually sit with you the whole bus ride leaving mattia by himself .
when we get there i look on the field . I didn't have the energy in me to play right now .
Kairi- listen go out there and kick some ass , don't let a stupid boy ruin a scholarship
you- a scholarship?
alejandro-yea you didn't hear there's scouts at this game
you smile and redo your ponytail.
you-oh i'm gonna get that scholarship
alejandro -atta girl

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