Chapter 4

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(December 31st, 1986, Kirk's apartment)

        I was pulling up to a guest parking spot at the building Kirk's apartment was in. I grabbed my overnight bag and at the base of the stairs I saw Kirk waiting with the biggest most adorable smile possible. "Here, let me help you," he grabbed my bag and I had no choice but to give it up (even though I could easily overtake him). As soon as I stepped into his apartment I was in horror movie heaven. I saw he had a cassette tape cued to play April Fool's Day, a movie that came out earlier that year.

        "I wanted to spend most of the rest of today watching horror movies with you since we both love horror," he said with so much affection in his voice that if you tried to measure it, it would go right off the chart. The only thing I could do was run straight into his arms and give him the biggest hug I could (which, seeing as I'm only an inch shorter than him, was pretty decent sized).

        "Oh my god you're perfect!" I yelled into his shoulder. This got a small chuckle from Kirk. After I had just set my bag down in his room, I turned around to see Kirk standing there with a mischievous smile on his face. With no warning whatsoever he picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the couch where we sat down and started the first movie.

        We watched movies until 6:20 PM, then we took ten minutes to eat a TV diner and started the movies back up at exactly 6:30 PM with a movie called The Stuff that had been released last year (1985).

        We continued watching movies until 9:40 PM, then we called James, Jason, and Lars and told them to come over with their girlfriends for a little bit.

        At 10:30 PM the final two people, Lars and his girlfriend Debbie, had finally left and we got back to watching horror movies.

        "I wanted to show you a movie that's very special to me. It's the first horror movie I ever watched, It's called The Day Of The Triffids, and it was released in 1963," Kirk looked at me with the biggest grin, and hopeful eyes.

        "Well, what are you waiting for?" I said, reciprocating the grin.

        When the movie ended, and I could tell he obviously planned this, Kirk pointed to a clock hanging on the wall near the TV, "hey, Y/N, it's midnight," he said.

        All of a sudden the world seemed to fade to black as I shared my first kiss, not only ever, but also with the first person I ever loved. We broke for air, and what happened next, well let's just say that I'd be waking up sore the next morning.


Author note: I feel like my chapters are slowly getting worse, if they are it's completely ok to tell me and to also tell me if there's any way I could improve them. Other than that sorry this one's sorta late, I got busy during the day and completely forgot about it.

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