Chapter 5

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        I woke up the next day and, what do you know, I was sore as hell. It was somewhere around 9:30 in the morning. I looked on the other side of the bed and saw that Kirk was gone, at the same time I smelled breakfast cooking. 'So that's where he's at,' I thought as a smile came to my face.

        I walked into the kitchen and saw him cooking. I snuck up behind him and put my arms around his waist.

        "I watch too many horror movies for you to surprise me if that's what you were trying to do," he said with a huge smile as he turned around.

        "I wasn't trying to surprise you, I just wanted to see where you were," I said groggily, having already forgotten that he was cooking.

        "I love you. You're so perfect," he said between little nose kisses, "Oh, your brother called, I told him you were still asleep. He said he wanted to give you the message himself," I didn't like that, normally if Lars has something to tell me, unless it's important or he's not happy, he'll give the message to someone else so they can tell me.

        I went to the phone and dialled his number. He picked up almost immediately.

        "Hey Lars, what's up?" I asked with a curious and slightly worried tone.

        "'What's up?' yeah right! What's wrong with you!" he said with a fire that was obvious through his voice.

        "I don't know what you're talking about," I said, scared. Lars never yelled at me like that.

        "Yes you do! You made up a story that I cheated on Debbie when I would never do that!" at that point I was really confused, the only thing I had told Debbie last night was that I hoped their relationship lasted a long time.

        "I didn't tell her anything. The only thing I told her last night was that I hope your relationship lasts," I was crying, I heard Kirk come into the room.

        "Yeah right, I'll bet you also lied about Cliff! You can come home to get your things, BUT I WANT YOU GONE!" I heard a click at the other end. I set the phone down and immediately broke down on the floor crying. Kirk came up and didn't say anything as he sat beside me and held me in a comforting hug that I never wanted to leave.

        "You wouldn't mind if I stayed here with you most likely permanently would you?" I asked when I had finally stopped crying and was able to talk.

        "Oh my countess of course I wouldn't mind, I wouldn't mind if you were to move in with me forever," I smiled and resumed crying on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and pulled me in closer.

        I waited until after I'd had lunch to go get my stuff. That gave both me and Lars a little time to calm down some. When I got there I went to my room without a word and grabbed everything that belonged to me, it took a few trips but I got everything out to my car and started driving back to what was now the apartment that me and Kirk shared.


Author's note: I figured there's too much happiness in this story so I decided to make a chapter where we find out the Debbie lied to Lars about something that the main character "told her". I also decided to add a little call back to Cliff for some extra pain, sorry.

Perfect (Kirk Hammett x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora