Chapter 8

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(October 12th, 1991, Oakland, California)

        I was sitting behind the drums at the Oakland Coliseum, ready to play whatever song the guys were doing next.

        "So, we've never played this song live before, because it's on our new album. would you guys like to hear it anyway!" James yelled into the mic. The crowd screamed in response. "Well, let's play it. This one's called The Unforgiven!" Kirk and James started playing the intro to The Unforgiven, and not too long after, I joined in.

        When The Unforgiven ended, the guys did something unexpected. Kirk walked up and grabbed a mic.

        "Before we move onto the next song I wanted to do something," it was just then that I noticed a small square object in his back pocket, "how many of you knew that halfway through the show Lars stops playing drums, show of hands," no one raised their hand. "That was about the reaction I expected," now I could hear the crowd whispering.

        "I wanted to give some credit to the girl that switches out with Lars every night half way through on drums. Her name is Y/N and she is the greatest person I've ever known, no offense guys. Y/N, why don't you come on down, everyone, give her a hand," everyone started cheering, I even saw James, Lars, and Jason cheering.

        "We started dating Christmas 1986, and it was the best five years of my life," Kirk got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his back pocket. "Y/N, will you make me the happiest man on the planet? Will you marry me?" I instantly broke down crying. James gave me a few seconds to collect myself then handed me a mic.

        "Yes!" I said as I fell down and embraced Kirk in a hug that I never wanted to end. When we pulled away from each other Kirk slid the ring on my finger, then helped me up.

        "One more time everyone! Give it up for the soon to be Mrs. Hammett!" this time the crowd was louder than they were before, and I could hear every last person cheering.

        I waited for the cheers to die down a bit then got back behind the drums. The next song on the set list was For Whom The Bell Tolls. Jason started playing the beginning riff, then the rest of us joined in and we finished off the set.


Author note: I don't know if this chapter was good or not, but over this chapter onto the end each of the chapters will correspond to the release of the songs in The Unforgiven trilogy.

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