Chapter 7

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        We had the next day off. I woke up to Kirk turned on his side, watching me with loving eyes and a smile on his face that was more adorable than any kitten picture you could find on the interweb.

        "Good morning my Countess," he said, reaching over to gently stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. He leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I have a lot planned for today," he said, standing up, "starting with. . . we're going out for breakfast!" I slowly got up to get dressed, and we headed out to the nearest diner for breakfast.

        When we got there a waiter showed us to a table and asked what we wanted to drink. We both ordered coffee and she was off to get us coffees. After we finished our breakfast, and were out in the car Kirk explained the next place we were going.

        "Next we're going to the comic book store," he knew I loved going there. There was also a new series coming out that people said would scare the living shit out of you. So we drove to a comic book store that had all genres.

        "Don't worry about the price baby, I can take care of it," he said with that classic smile of his. I ran over to the horror section and found the series I wanted, plus some extra stuff that Kirk probably had but I wanted for myself. We spent about 45 minutes in the store and we drove back home once Kirk paid.

        We were just spending time together for the rest of the day, or so I thought. We were sitting on the couch watching The Munsters, when I saw Kirk look at me.

"What?" I ask, laughing.

        "We should probably get going," Kirk said while looking at me like I knew what he was talking about.

"Wait, where are we going?" I said as I was rushing to put my pants back on.

        "Oh you'll see," now I understood why he didn't take his off, he was putting his shirt back on though. We got out to the car and Kirk started driving me I knew not where. As we got though, I started to see that it was a movie theater. "I got us tickets to Black Widow," he looked at me and smiled that adorable smile I knew all too well, "I know how much you've been wanting to see it, so I thought it'd be good for date night," all I could do was hug him.

        "Why are you so perfect?" I asked while tears of joy were streaming down my face. After the movie ended we drove back home and spent the rest of the night "enjoying each other's company" (wink wink).


Author note: I tried to include a little more humor in this one.

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